Thursday, October 31, 2019

HRM - Industrial relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HRM - Industrial relationship - Essay Example The paper starts by explaining the meaning of employee relations then goes on to outline and evaluate the rationale behind the claim that partnerships are more important in the creation of fruitful employee relations. A conclusion summarising the main points discussed in the essay will be given at the end. In order to gain a clear understanding of the concept of employee relations, it is imperative to begin by explaining its meaning. â€Å"Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employer-employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale.† This definition can be viewed from the following website . Basically, employee relations is mainly concerned with resolving problems or conflicts that may arise at workplace and the major aim is to improve the performance of the workers towards the attainment of the set organisational goals. The other aim of employee relations in the workplace is to correct any kind of misconduct where information is passed to the employees so that they will be better positioned to understand the goals of the management and the organisation as a whole. Employees are also advised about their rights and obligations and their participation as well as involvement in the decision making process is done through unions within different organisations. These unions would represent the grievances of the employees in a bid to create a conducive environment that will promote good employee relations. According to the to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) as cited by the Learning and Teaching Support Network Guide (ND), employee involvement is ‘a range of processes designed to engage the support, understanding and optimum contribution of all employees in an organisation and their commitment to its objectives.’ This information can be viewed at . The members of the organisation are encouraged to play a part in making valuable contributions i n the decision making process of the organisation. This is believed to go a long way in fostering long term relationships between the employees and their employers for the betterment of the organisation as a whole. On the other hand, employee participation is defined as ‘a process of employee involvement designed to provide employees with the opportunity to influence and where appropriate, take part in decision making on matters which affect them.’ However, research has shown that the major difference in employee participation and involvement is that employee participation takes a pluralist approach while involvement is centred on individual concerns. In both cases, the management retains control and power of all the processes that may be involved in the decision making process. Whilst it is a noble idea to involve all the employees to participate in the decision m

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Public perception and actual police recorded crime in Cornwall and Essay

Public perception and actual police recorded crime in Cornwall and Devon - Essay Example Crime is the breach of law or rules against an existing authority or a set of convictions in a particular region. Crimes are of various types and different societies have defined crimes differently. The modern society is panic considering the increasing rate of crimes like vehicle crime, burglary, theft, robbery, violence, and so on. One of the great threats of the modern world is from terrorism that many regard it as the combination of various crimes. Any nation, or culture, will have concerns regarding the way crimes are increasing and creating disruptions in the social life. The twentieth and the twenty-first centuries have witnessed a rising trend in this context. Though there are countries claiming as reducing the percentage of crime rates, various studies have identified them as vice-versa. Everyday, significant events are dramatically reported in modern media which in reality may not be the factual portrayal of a real situation. Further there is a perception among the people t hat the crimes rates are really high and the authorities secrete it from the general public. However, to unveil the reality, that is, whether the crimes rates are really amplifying or dwindling as the perceptions of the majority, one has to wade through many and varied studies conducted overtime. This is quite applicable to Cornwall and Devon where one can identify the disparities between the public perception and actual recorded crime.... ng to the figures of the Home Office, it has reported that Devon and Cornwall have retained their position as the fourth safest policing area in England and Wales. The news report continues to describe that ‘Over the 12-month period to June, the government statistics for the region show there were 54 crimes per 1,000 people’ (BBC News). However, one can identify significant reduction in burglary vehicle crime and violence, when sexual offences and drug crimes marked as rising. This is indicative of the alarming growth of sexual offences and drug crimes that really impedes the smooth flow of social life. One of the main threats of the modern world is from the sexual offences and drug crimes the percentage of which has been reported as increasing. Devon and Cornwall is not an exception regarding sexual offences and drug crimes. The study of the Devon and Cornwall police makes it clear when they report 15% rise in sexual offences (BBC News). The police have also identified the reasons for its growth as the increasing support available to the victims. Similarly, drug use also has very marked that one of the reports has clearly stated it as 6% increase in recorded drug offences (BBC News). As per the recorded crime rate, Devon and Cornwall have witnessed 89,734 crimes between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010 - 12,300 fewer than the previous year (BBC News). Analysing these studies one can see the perception of the police force about the crime rate is decreasing—marked with 12,300 lesser than the previous year, and as such, they infer that Cornwall and Devon is a safe place to live, work and visit. In order to prove the crime reductions they provide sufficient data as follows: vehicle crime down 19%, criminal damage down 19%, burglary down 13%, theft down 12%, robbery down

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Gospel Of Matthew In Depth Analysis Religion Essay

The Gospel Of Matthew In Depth Analysis Religion Essay In my analysis of the Gospel of Matthew, I found out that it was written with a focus on the King and His Kingdom. Significantly, the concept of the Kingdom that comes from the Greek word ÃŽÂ ²ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ »ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¯ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± appears 55 times in the Gospel of Matthew, 55/126=43.65%. Jesus clearly said that All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. (28:18). Likewise, the term kingdom of heaven transcends in the Gospel of Matthew by appearing at least 33 times. Interestingly, this phrase is found only in Matthew. In this sense, I believe that Matthew introduces the Christ and His Kingdom as the fulfillment of the messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. His approach to the way of salvation is a call to repentance for entry into the Kingdom, to a commitment of a person to the King as His follower. Jesus stated many will come from the east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 8:11). It becomes clear that Jesus not only moves the meaning of the Kingdom beyond the Jewish community, but He also moves the mission of the Kingdom beyond family ties. For instance, when Jesus emphasizes on whoever does the will of My Father lays the meaning of Kingdom membership open to other people than the Jewish community. Jesus took His disciples to Caesarea Philippi to ask the question, Who do men say that I am (16:13). In this context He stated that He would build His church in the world. Another idea is if we are to be participants in the kingdom of heaven, then we are to live by the rule of the King. a) The Lineage of the King Matthew uses language that relates the rule of Christ to peoples lives by mentioning the lineage of the King (1:1-17). The genealogy of Jesus is presented in three sections with fourteen periods for each. The summary marks off fourteen generations from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the captivity, and fourteen from the captivity to the coming of Christ (1:17). Through this lineage God fulfills Hs promise to Abraham that in his seed, all the earth would be blessed and that the Messiah would come through the seed of Abraham. In addition, Matthew is showing Jesus as born of Mary and not begotten by Joseph (1:16). b) The Birth of the King The birth of the King is referred to in three ways. First, Matthew points out Jesus Christ as the Messiah (1:18). Second, Jesus is the Savior (1:21). Third, Jesus is Immanuel, meaning God with us (1:23). In verse 22 is a statement frequently used by Matthew: that is might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, sayingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Matthew selected a passage from Isaiah which states that the birth of the Messiah would come through a young woman, and that His name would be called Immanuel, God with us. Matthew quotes Isaiah as saying that the virgin will be with child, and will bring forth a Son (1:23). In Matthew, the word à Ã¢â€š ¬ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ­ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ is interpreted as virgin. The birth of the Jesus through a virgin is the biblical affirmation that God actually became man (1:25), and that God entered the world in the person of Jesus (1:21). Matthew affirms that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary. He also affirms that He was conceived by the Holy Spirit (1:18), which means that in some miraculous way the Holy Spirit ushered the life of the eternal Christ into the body of Mary and here a person was conceived and born who is the true expression of God and the one expression of true man, Jesus. Matthew affirms that the birth of Jesus was confirmed by the angel of the Lord (1:20-21), and contextualized by the Scriptures (1:22-23). c) Johns Announcement of the King John the Baptist was upon the Jewish scene like a flaming voice from God. He came preaching in the wilderness of Judea, acclaimed by the people as a prophet of God (3:1). He saw himself as only a slave for the coming Messiah and as the voice to prepare the way (3:11). His ministry was respected and understood because people came from Jerusalem and from the total region to Johns ministry (3:5-6). His baptism was understood as a baptism of repentance (3:11). Matthew notes the character of John the Baptist as the forerunner of the Messiah. John was indeed a voice of transition from the old covenant to the new (1:11-14). John announced that the baptism with the Spirit and the baptism with fire as superior to his baptism with water (3:11). d) The Inauguration of the King Matthew describes the transition made from John the Baptist to the proclamation of the Messiah Himself. John had been the announcer of the coming of the King and His Kingdom (4:12-17). In this passage, Matthew describes the context and content of His ministry. The context is Galilee with Jesus moving from Nazareth to Capernaum by the sea (4:12-13). Not only did Jesus begin His ministry in a setting where many people might hear Him, but His move to Capernaum from Nazareth was a breaking of the ties with His home and community. The content of the Jesus message is stated in verse 17. Jesus preached the same message which John the Baptist had been announcing: Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand (4:17). The word preach is translated from the Greek word ÃŽÂ ºÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·Ãƒ Ã‚ Ãƒ Ã‚ Ãƒ Ã†â€™Ãƒ Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ that means the heralds proclamation. I believe that preaching is an announcement with both certainty and authority. Jesus proclaimed the gospel of the kingd om (9:35). Church A significant emphasis in the Gospel of Matthew is the church. In all of the Synoptic Gospels, the concept of church as ekklesia is found only in Matthew. It is clear that Matthew introduced the church as the fellowship of disciples who evidence the rule of Christ, or the reality of the Kingdom. In this sense, Jesus introduced the church in response to Peters confession, as the ultimate redemptive purpose of the Christ. It was when He introduced it that Jesus also told His disciples of His coming death and resurrection. It seems appropriate to affirm that Matthew expressed the acts of God in salvation history. The church is not parenthesis in salvation history as we wait for the coming Kingdom of God, but it is rather the activity of the Kingdom of God in the world. It is this Kingdom that penetrates all nations, Jew and Gentile, to extend the grace of God to all people. a) The Disciple Community I believe that Jesus strategy to establish His church was to develop a disciple community. He called a group of associates who would be with Him and learn from Him (4:13-21). Jesus began by calling Peter and Andrew (4:18). Matthew states that Jesus said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (4:19). He was moving these men from their occupation as fishermen to recognize the vocation to be disciples. Jesus next called the two brothers, James and John, sons of Zebedee, from their occupation of fishing, asking them likewise to follow Him (4:21). At least the reference in Matthew tells us that upon Jesus call, they immediately followed Him (4:22). Jesus called disciples who would in turn disciple others. He called them to be fishers of men (4:19). Jesus called disciples and asked them to put Him and His will above all else (8:18-22). Another clear example was the calling of Matthew, the tax collector (9:9). His calling to be a disciple places the authority of Jesus over o ccupation. Matthew gives the list of the twelve disciples called by Jesus and gave them power over unclean spirits, cast them out, and heal sicknesses and diseases (10:1-4). b) Discipline in the Church Women God has created man and woman under His image. The writer of the Gospel of Matthew highlights the events when Jesus ministered to women throughout the Gospel. The word ÃŽÂ ³Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ · has two connotations. The first connotation of ÃŽÂ ³Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ · with the meaning woman in the singular form appears 9/49 in the Gospels representing the 18.36%. The second connotation of ÃŽÂ ³Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ · has to do with the term wife. This term appears 14/35 in the Gospels representing 40%. The last connotation of ÃŽÂ ³Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ · found in Matthew means women. The times that Matthew uses the term women in his gospel are 5/15 representing 33.33%. a) Jesus view on women The question that I have always had is: How did Jesus view women during His ministry? In my analysis of the Gospel of Matthew, I found several references that serve as evidences that Jesus had a clear perspective on women. In fact, prominence is given to four women who are named in the Messiahs lineage such as Tamar of whom Judah begot Perez and Zerah (1:3); Rahab who is spoken of as the harlot of Jericho in Joshua 2:1-7 (1:5); Ruth who was a Moabite (1:5); and Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, the woman whom David seduced, and whose husband Uriah he afterwards killed in an attempt to cover his sin (1:6). Jesus elevates the status of women by stating that the marriage commitment is binding for life and that the only exception is immorality, which has already broken covenant (5:31-32; 19:1-12). Jesus made no distinction between women and men even though He often addressed men, holding them accountable for their responsibilities. Miracles Jesus not only preached and taught. Matthew records that He healed all kinds of sicknesses and diseases among the people (4:23-25). His ministry was one of restoring people to wholeness. The man who preached radical change, who announced the Kingdom, was performing deeds of mercy. He healed and restored common people to wholeness and elevated them to a sense of worth. He restored their spiritual well being as He preached and their physical well being as He administered healing (4:24). Matthew concludes this section to show how popular the ministry of Jesus actually was (4:25). This description is an affirmation of Jesus popularity as a teacher. He attracted people from all over the land of Palestine to both learn from Him and to be healed by Him (4:24). Furthermore, Jesus touched persons at their point of need and from that point of need led them to the experience of faith. The ten miracles reported in chapter 8 and 9 express Christs authority over disease, over demons, over destructive forces of nature and over death. They were performed out of compassion and confirmed the authority of the Christ. a) Healing Diseases Jesus expressed His authority in miracles over illnesses and diseases. After Jesus came down from the mountain where He had delivered His sermon, Matthew says that great crowds followed Him and became witnesses to His deeds (8:1). Matthew inserts the story of the leper coming through the crowd and worshipping Jesus (8:2), and Jesus reached out, touched, and healed him (8:3-4). Then, the writer inserts the story of the centurion approaching to Jesus in humility and asking to heal his servant from paralysis (8:5-6). Without going to the mans home, Jesus simply said, Go your way and healed him that very moment (8:13). Jesus also healed Peters wife mother that suffered from fever (8:14-17). There is another miracle over paralysis in Matthew 9:1-8 that is more brief than that of either Mark or Luke, emphasizing on the teaching and meaning of Jesus acts. Later, Matthew shares three consecutive stories of miracles including the ruler of the synagogue, the woman with a hemorrhage, and the bl ind men (9:18-31). b) Casting Out Demons Matthew records the story of the demon-possessed. The Greek word ÃŽÂ ´ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¶Ãƒ Ã…’ÃŽÂ ¼ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹ indicates the presence of demons inside of a person. Matthew states that Jesus cast out demons with a word (8:16). In another account, the story involves two men who were living among the tombs that presented signs of violence (8:28). The men were so fierce that people were afraid to pass near them. There is an indication that the two demon-possessed knew who Jesus was (8:29). Matthew records that the demons came out and went into the pigs and the pigs perished (8:32). Matthew gives us another testimony of Jesus casting out a demon in a mute man (9:32-33). c) Miracles Over Nature While crossing the Lake of Galilee a great storm swept down upon them. The Greek word à Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¹Ãƒ Ã†â€™ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¼Ãƒ ¡Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ¸Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ means earthquake emphasizing the violence of the storm (8:24). The disciple had great fear and awaked Jesus to cry, Save us, Lord; we are perishing! (8:25). Jesus first tested their fear, emphasizing their little faith (8:26). He recognized the faith they had, and He rebuked the storm (8:27). Discipleship The Sermon on the Mount is recorded in Matthew 5:1-7:29. Matthew presents Jesus as the Messiah of word and deed. The sermon, as recorded by Matthew, includes numerous passages that Jesus gave, recalled by Matthew under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to give us a presentation of the teachings of Jesus. The message was given primarily to His disciples, although doubtless the crowd listened as he introduced the sermon (5:1-2). In presenting this sermon, I believe that Jesus called for a change in the thinking of the disciples about the Kingdom of God. Jesus calls His disciples to be humble (5:3), living with repentant spirit (5:4), showing meekness (5:5), longing for God (5:6), mercy (5:7), purity (5:8), peace (5:9), and gladness (5:11). The calling of disciples was a central aspect of Jesus ministry. a) The Influence of Being a Disciple Jesus followed the beatitudes with two designations of the disciple: salt and light. I believe both designate a service beyond itself, and both are important in human experience. Jesus addresses them as characteristics of the people that live in His Kingdom. In my understanding, when Jesus says, You are the salt of the earth (5:13), it has to do with purity, preservation, and flavor. The disciple as the salt of the earth makes the earth more authentically as it should be. On the other hand, I understand that when Jesus says, You are the light of the world (5:14), it has to do with radiance, openness, and joy. What an incredible calling from Jesus to His disciples to be salt and light in the world. They obtain the light from the One who is the light of the world, Jesus. For this light to be seen we live openly in the midst of the world as His disciples witnessing His ruling and presence of His Kingdom. Jesus gives a clear reminder about the harvest. Sowing and reaping go on together. Jesus speaks on reaping the harvest of Gods acts in salvation. The message to His disciples is clear: the harvest is great, the laborers are few (9:37). With this in mind, Jesus commissions His disciples to have influence over the world (10:5-15). b) The Spirit of a Disciple Jesus introduces us to some of the more important ethical teachings in the New Testament. The first is the prohibition against killing (5:21). He teaches that anything that leads to killing is sin, and He calls His disciples to be free from anger and take the initiative of reconciliation (5:23-26). The second issue that Jesus addresses is about adultery and the importance of keeping the covenant of marriage (5:27-30). The sacredness of marriage is emphasized in the prohibition against divorce (5:31-32). Another teaching is that Jesus calls for honesty without the oath. In other words, the disciple is to be honest and trustworthy making the swearing of an oath unnecessary (5:33-37). In addition, the disciple is to live by the higher law of love and respond to the treatment he receives from others in a way that reflects the freedom and love of Christ (5:38-42). Jesus also teaches us on loving our enemies as an expression of Christ love (5:43-48). Not only that but He also calls to love on the very nature and practice of the Father (5:45). There is a remarkable teaching from Jesus to His disciples in regards to the relationship between disciple and master. A disciple learns and identifies with His teacher, and the servant is not over His master. Jesus calls them to continue to learn from Him, to continue to follow Him, to continue to serve Him (10:24-25). c) The Lifestyle of a Disciple Having called the disciple to be mature in love, Jesus then turned to the matter of the lifestyle that a disciple should have (6:1-7:29). The beauty of this prayer, called the Lords Prayer, has been the model prayer (6:9-13). In this sense, I believe that prayer is opening our lives to God. It is inviting Him to acts in our lives. Prayer is relational (6:9). For His Kingdom to come is the experience we can have of His full reign now (6:10). He always sustains us with provision (6:11). He forgives us of all of our sins so we can forgive our debtors (6:12). It is a prayer to deliver us from the evil thoughts and actions we have committed and are not according to Gods purposes (6:13). Jesus also teaches that fasting is not to be a ritual, done by the calendar, but it is a voluntary time of meditation, or drawing near to God (6:16-18). In Matthew 7:7-11 there is a threefold command to ask, seek, and knock. These three words Αà ¡Ã‚ ¼Ã‚ °Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒ ¡Ã‚ ¿-à Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ŽÂ µ, ÃŽÂ ¶ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ·Ãƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒ ¡Ã‚ ¿-à Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µ, and ÃŽÂ ºÃƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¿Ãƒ Ã‚ ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µÃƒ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ µ are present imperatives in the Greek, which means continuous action (7:7). Another important aspect that Jesus wants as our lifestyle is our attitude toward others (6:14-15). Also in chapter 18, Matthew shares some very searching words from Jesus on forgiveness (18:21-29). Jesus expects from his disciples to have clear goals in life. He said that where a mans treasure is, there his heart is. When ones goals are set on the eternal will of God, his values reflect the same (6:19-21). In fact, He states, no body can serve two masters (6:24). We should have clear that the disciple is to give undivided loyalty to the Master. On the other hand, I strongly believe that respect for others is an indication on our self-understanding. In this sense, Jesus asks His disciples to avoid prejudgment or prejudice from stereotyping people (7:1-6).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Leaving Corporate America to Buy a Website :: Sell Websites Buy Web Sites

Leaving Corporate America to Buy a Website Reprinted with permission of As a Group Manager of VotanWeb, I receive a lot of email. One frequently asked question relates to making the transition from the corporate world to the entrepreneurial world of the internet. Many people have always dreamed of owning a web site and finally they decide to move toward that dream. They wonder how much money they need to invest as well as how they can obtain financing to purchase an existing website. Often, they have plenty of experience and determination, but very little money. I must make it very clear that it is rare for anyone to purchase a website without putting some of their own cash into it. Few website acquisitions are 100% financed. There is no free lunch. Any potential lender or investor will want to see that you are putting your own money into the website. There are many sources of money to finance the purchase of a website. Many online entrepreneurs start with a second mortgage on a home, tapping into their existing equity. Others are successful starting with funds from friends or family members. This could be either a loan or an investment in return for a piece of the business. Either way, make certain that it's spelled out in writing and all parties understand what they're getting into. The Small Business Administration is another possibility. Remember, the SBA does NOT lend money for people to buy websites. The SBA guarantees loans made by lenders, up to a certain amount, for small website acquisitions. There are both good and bad points to an SBA loan. The good news is that there is money available; up to $1,300,000. The terms for repayment are favorable. When a website passes the SBA qualifications, you can be fairly confident that it is a solid website. If you do not have at least 25% equity in your home, you may not have to fully collateralize the loan. Typically, they will finance 70-80% of the deal. It might be possible to secure seller financing if you've demonstrated some knowledge of the market and you can convince the website owner that you have a high probability of success. If you have risen up through the corporate ranks, then you have already demonstrated leadership skills. Investors look upon track records of leadership with approval.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mia Brand Swot Analysis

TANISHQ INTRODUCTION Tanishq has expanded its portfolio with the launch of sub-brand Mia, a line of jewellery targeted at working women. The line comprises two distinct designs directions – one in the modern and another in the ethno contemporary space. Mia is meant for women on the go, who are engaged in various professions and have a well-established accessory ensemble, unfortunately excluding jewellery. Fine jewellery that working women buy is mostly for traditional occasions, and do not have an offering for their daily wear in the market. Tanishq is best suited to understand the needs of these consumers and has put together a wonderfully crafted, well designed jewellery collection, which will make them love to go to work. This collection is high on design quotient, light in weight, affordable and apt for today's modern woman. Mia has over 100 designs priced at Rs 5,999 onwards and the collection is available across the 130 Tanishq outlets in over 76 towns. The objective is to take jewellery wearing occasions beyond weddings and special events. Kulhalli ,vice president (retail, marketing and merchandise) believes targeting the five million working women is enough opportunity as increasing aspiration levels and the number of women entering the workforce will drive spending. The new sub-brand will also help open up a new consumer age group, in a jewellery market where bulk of the sales is in the 30-60 age group. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY Mia Tanishq is a stunning range of fine, urban-chic, affordable jewellery starting at Rs. 999 exclusively crafted for Working Women to ensure that you're appreciated in your work place and makes you enjoy your work life like never before. Based on 2 design directions, Quest (no beginning and no end – Infinity) and Blossom (Born to Blossom – Born to Shine – Floral), this collection is truly a winner at work. Truly capturing the essence of the urban, independent working women, Mia is inspired by the individuality of each one of you and truly projects power, confidence and taste. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths 1. It has a young and modern approach and designs are urban chic. 2. Affordable price ranges are starting from 5999 3. Advertising strategy is strong and convinces the audience. 4. Market expansion is good, available at various outlets Weakness 1. Strong competitors 2. Gold Perception – Since gold is usually considered as an investment and the gold prices are volatile. 3. Gold buying is mainly considered a ritual for occasions like wedding and other important functions . Opportunities’ 1. Target audience is the working class woman in India, around 5 million woman are working in India in Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities so it is a great opportunity. 2. With Globalization, lot of opportunities in the international market. 3. It is a sub brand of Tanishq the leading jwellery makers , and has good market share in Indian jwellery industry. Threats. 1. Tough competition with other jwellery brands. 2. Local jwellery shops 3. Government regulations 4. Significance on Gold.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Tale of Cupid and Psyche. Love Stories Essay

Love Stories Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Virgil’s Aeneas and Dido is a love story that has been in existence for decades. It is about Dido, the queen of Carthage who falls in love with Aeneas, a Trojan soldier. In the story, it is evident that Dido has fallen for Aeneas since she finally confides in her sister concerning her love for Aeneas. Dido is a widow; although she had sworn never to fall in love again, this promise is short term. After confiding in her sister about her attraction towards Aeneas, Anna advises her to proceed since it will be beneficial not only to her but to the city as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Virgil’s Aeneas and Dido has a number of strengths. For instance, the rate at which the relationship between Dido and Aeneas blossoms. The relationship between the two develops quite fast that Jupiter and Mercury are caught unawares. It is only after realizing the extent that the relationship has reached that Jupiter acts promptly to end it. In a move to end the relationship, Jupiter sends Mercury to converse with Aeneas and remind him of his destiny. According to Jupiter, Aeneasâ€Å"†¦ought to be founding a city in Italy†¦ (Virgil 12)† Similarly, after the death of her husband, Dido had sworn never to fall in love again. However, this does not happen since she falls for Aeneas the moment she spots him. Although Dido has fallen for Aeneas, she is afraid of breaking the promise she had made to her late husband. Dido confides in Anne who advises her to fall in love with Aeneas. The passion for Aeneas becomes unbearab le since she finally breaks the promise she had made about being loyal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The relationship between Aeneas and Dido was strong that it caught the attention of the gods. For instance, Venus and Juno are aware of this relationship. This becomes evident when Juno says, â€Å"†¦let’s do some matchmaking†¦ (Virgil 36)† It is clear that Venus and Juno wanted the relationship between Aeneas and Dido to proceed to marriage. In a move to achieve this, Venus and Juno come up with a plan that results to Dido and Aeneas making love. In the plan, Aeneas and Dido go hunting; Juno makes the rain to fall so that the two can take cover in a cave. It is through this plan that Aeneas and Dido become intimate, which increases the strength of the relationship.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Apart from the strength, Virgil’s story also has a number of weaknesses. For instance, Dido is fond of making promises and then breaking them. For example, although she had promised to remain loyal to her dead husband, she breaks this promise the moment Aeneas walks in (Virgil 12). This implies that she is likely to end the relationship between Aeneas and herself. Additionally, by falling for Aeneas, Dido lags behind in performing her duties as the queen; thus, the work of city building starts to collapse. Another weakness of Virgil’s story is that there are some disagreements between the gods. For instance, although Juno and Venus are in support of the relationship, this is not the case for Jupiter and Mercury. When Jupiter notices the relationship, he sends Mercury who asks Aeneas to leave the city. Although the romantic relationship between Aeneas and Dido was strong, it ends tragically with the death of Dido dueto the sud den departure of Aeneas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche is a story about a romantic relationship that blossoms between Psyche and Cupid, the son of Venus, who is the goddess of love.According to the story, Psyche is quite beautiful to the extent that Venus, the goddess of love, developed hatred for her (Apuleius 39). Therefore, Venus asks her son, cupid, to go and stab Psyche with an arrow. This is evident when Venus asks Cupid to, â€Å"†¦punish that contumacious beauty†¦ (Apuleius 16)† However, cupid is stunned by Psyche’s beauty so much that he stabs himself instead. Cupid immediately falls in love with Psyche and gradually a relationship blossoms between the two.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   UnlikeAeneas and Dido, the story of Cupid and Psyche tends to have more strength. The story brings out the extent that one can go to in the name of seeking love.This comes out when Psyche is not ready to lose Cupid. Psyche is aware that Venus does not want her to marry Cupid, but she goes ahead to inquire about Cupid’s whereabouts from Venus. When Venus sees Psych, she refers to her as, â€Å"†¦the most undutiful and faithless of servants†¦ (Apuleius 5)†Although Cupid and Psyche are from two different worlds, they are able to finally marry each other and live happily.Psyche’s love for Cupid is also seen when she accomplishes all the difficult tasks she was given by Venus. First, psyche is made to sort a huge pile of seeds before being asked to retrieve the Golden Fleece. After successfully accomplishing the first two tests, Venus then asks Psyche to fill a flask with water from river Styx. In the final test, Psyche is to go to the underworld and return with Persephone (Apuleius 79). Although these tasks are tedious, the love Psyche has for Cupid prompts her into accomplishing all the tasks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One weaknessapparent in this story is that it contains unrealistic aspects. For instance, it is quite unrealistic for Cupid, a god, to marry Psyche who was a human being. It is therefore a weakness since it makes the story seem fictitious. Additionally, another aspect that makes the story weak is the fact that there are several incidences of disobedience. For instance, although Psyche is warned against identifying her suitor, she disobeys this statement and goes ahead to identify Cupid. Similarly, when Venus asks Psyche to fetch the Persephone, she opens it out of curiosity and instantly falls into deep sleep.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Dante’s Paola and Francesca is a story about Francesca, the daughter to the lord of Ravenna, and Gianciotto, the son to the lord of Rimini. Ravenna and Rimini have continuously been engaging in war. In a move to end the conflicts, the two lords agreed to marry off their children (Singleton). Since Gianciotto is disabled and ugly, he does not attend the wedding ceremony. Paolois the youngest brother to Gianciotto. He is picked to represent Gianciotto since he is handsome and good-looking and it is obvious that Francesca will fall in love with him. The plan proceeds well since Francesca doesn’t know the truth until the following morning when she wakes up beside Gianciotto (Singleton). However, since Francesca has fallen in love with Paolo, a secret relationship blossoms between the two (Singleton).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although Dante’s story has a tragic end with the death of both Paola and Francesca, it is also one of the best-drafted love stories since there are a number of lessons worth learning from it. One strength is that through marriage, harmony is established between Ravenna and Rimini. This comes out when Francesca and Gianciotto get married. However, compared to stories by Virgil and Apuleius, Dante’s Paolo and Francesca has more weaknesses than strengths. The story is marred with deception. For example, during the wedding ceremony, Paolo impersonates Gianciotto since he is more handsome(Singleton). Impersonating Gianciotto increased the opportunity of Francesca accepting the marriage. This implies that Francesca was deceived about the real Gianciotto and so was her father who was the lord of Ravenna. This deception is the reason why the marriage between Gianciotto and Francesca is unstable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Apart from impersonation, another aspect is dishonesty. Since Francesca has fallen in love with Paolo, their relationship still goes on even after the wedding(Singleton). After several years, the secret finally comes to light when Gianciotto walks in on them while behind closed doors. This discovery angers Gianciotto that he decides to kill Paolo. However, when he swings his rapier, Francesca rushes between them and takes the blow. The rapier ends up cutting through Francesca’s bosom before finally slitting through Paolo, therefore, killing both of them instantly (Singleton). It is due to these deceptions that the tragic deaths of the two couples occurs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Although the three stories are romantic, Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche is the most romantic love story. Unlike the other stories that end tragically with the death of main characters, it is only Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche that ends positively when the two couples get married. Similarly, it is also the best love story since more aspects of love are depicted. For example, the tests that Psyche accomplishes when she goes in pursuit of Cupid. References Apuleius, Joel. The Tale of Cupid and Psyche. Indianna: Hackett Publishing, 2009. Print. Singleton, Charles. â€Å"Romance Stories: Paolo& Francesca as told by Dante.† Wisdom Portal. 1977. Web. 31 October 2014. <> Virgil & Maclennan, Keith. Virgil: Aeneid Iv. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2013. Print. Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Child Development Essays

Child Development Essays Child Development Essay Child Development Essay Essay question: Jean Piaget proposed a step-wise sequence of mental development during childhood. Provide an overview of Piaget’s core ideas, discussing evidence for and against these ideas. Jean Piaget (1869-1980) started to investigate children’s development after two years of working with children in Binet’s lab (Eddy, 2010). He found that children of younger aged gave different answers than those of alder age not because they have less knowledge but because they thought differently.He describes development as sequence of stages and each of these stages represents different type of thinking occurs in variable ages in different background (Vidal, 2000) Focal point – children have all the cognitive mechanisms to learn by constantly react with their environment. Experiences also play an very important formative role in children’s development. Piaget (1985) says that experience engenders disequilibrium and eventually a higher state of equilibrium. So me underlying principle behind Piaget’s theory: Schema: cognitive structures or frameworks that represent certain aspect of the world and to help individuals understand the world they inhibit. * Adaptation: the process that builds and adapts our schemes through interaction with environment. * Assimilation: a process that takes in substances and stimulations or incorporates/ fits new information into pre-existing schema (Read, 1997). * Accommodation: this happens when the existing schema does not work and changes are needed to adapt better to the assimilated reality (Read, 1997).The four stages of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development: 1. The sensorimotor stage (0-2 years): Develop the ability to make sense of the world by using their senses ad motor abilities. 2. Preoperational stage (2-7 years): begin to develop motor skills but still lacks of understanding of conservation of physical properties. Wellman and Gelman (1992) claim that young children by age 3 or 4, th ey see people as processing beliefs, desires, thoughts and images as well as emotional reactions. 3. Concrete operational stage (7-11 years): child able to think logically 4.Formal operational stage (11 years ): able to manage higher order reasoning. (Read, 1997) * Describe each of the stages with more details. * Critically discuss the stages of Piaget’s theory. Strength of Piaget’s theory This theory changes the way that people thinks the child’s mind and his work increases interest in child development and it is very useful as practical application to the real world such as education and development psychology(Cherry, 2013). Further the understanding of cognitive development and children.Weakness Some have said that children are more precocious than what Piaget’s proposed. Piaget underestimated children’s abilities (Cherry, 2013). Some claim that Piaget’s did not include intervention into account. He did not consider about the importance of social influence of an adult. The aspects in Piaget’s step-wise model are strict and rigid. Besides, Cherry (2013) states that research show that all children will automatically move to next stage of development but not through environmental factors.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Canal and Other Factors Affecting Early Waterville Settl essays

The Canal and Other Factors Affecting Early Waterville Settl essays The early settlement of Waterville, Ohio was done by the pioneers who came to the area shortly after the Battle of Fallen Timbers. Waterville was located along the river, in a prime location between Grand Rapids and Toledo. Once the Indians had been driven from the area, it became a safe place for pioneers to settle. Waterville was settled in 1818, but it wasnt until 1830 that a man named John Pray laid out the village of Waterville. The village of Waterville was not incorporated until 1880. When the canal age erupted in the 1830s, Waterville became a stop along the Wabash and Erie canals. Many assumed that the construction of the canal would be a boon to Watervilles business and population. But there were many other factors that influenced Watervilles early history just as much or more than the canal. When the village was first occupied, mills were the main type of business. Plus, there were countless other areas of revenue in town that helped to bring the population numbers up and put Waterville on the map, such as the Columbian House inn, famous in Waterville lore. Research into available sources proves that although the canal did have considerable influence on early Waterville, other factors such as the mills and the Columbian House were just as influential, if not more so. Also, being on the river made Waterville appealing to outsiders. Evidence to support this will indicate the population numbers both before and after the canals construction. Evidence also indicates the revenue of businesses along with their sheer number, before and after the canal. Research will also show that the canal did not quite live up to the expectations of the people who built the canal. Finally, research will show that railroads were also extremely important in Watervilles later economic years. When the canal was built in the 1830s, it altered the pattern of development in the village. The business d...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Career ambitions

Career ambition This misconception ambition is the first thing you may crashing in front of the eyes of many of us when he finds himself after graduation without a Job or is suffering even find any work by plugging breath livelihood and then thought one of us that has stabilized and is believed to function is always from eight oclock to the second half in the public sector and others in the private sector and then interrupted it relates to his work every day so even comes last month arrested for his salary and so on , that goes to his age and referred to retirement. And sometimes some people feel that the job Kataiwq wraps around his neck and complain of work and felt that it weighs his shoulders are asked to retire early to rest and is still active and did not reach the age of sixty No need to stand one of us with himself and see with the passage of time and the years on his appointment to this post and look what happened? Skills and gain experiences and how his role AJtazha to develop his skills and whether he developed himself and invented something useful for his work in order to be an element product ? Or do you imitate any position sets it apart from others? Man thinks ambition is to develop and put himself in front of specific targets and think how to achieve these goals and uses several methods to strive and make solutions to achieve them. Unfortunately , many of us if he sat with himself and especially of their years in the career service will find himself after all these years has come forward and did not develop himself and got his service and the passage of the years, so you sometimes find director of his 15 years in the Job and preside over many of the staff and reached he higher echelons it is not known to run a computer or speak a single word in English and a smaller staff understand these things from him . Perhaps some say do not awakened in the course to learn computer and other shovel this failure with his work, and tell him this is not a Justification for it is possible for any one of us to develop himself outside of his term , even for an hour per day for a certain period , especially as the private institutes are available everywhere and at reasonable prices. ven if you lose a little money you earned to develop yourself and your interest in the atter so that you alone, and this is the skills and experience gained with yourself and you will feel that you have developed yourself and give you the incentive to develop your talents and increase your ambition career with this ambition must be to you the principle of positive in your life , and you know what The principle is what you mean

Friday, October 18, 2019

Close comparative analysis of two passages Essay

Close comparative analysis of two passages - Essay Example At a glance, one can notice that the passages have same thematic concerns. Women are featured in both the paragraphs and poem. Human beings are the centre of these works. In both the works, the sketches of women characters are explained by the speaker of the works and then the real beauty is compared with the painted one. In first passage, the writer sees a painting that is present on his writing table. After seeing the painting, he remembers the woman character that is painted on the paper and expresses the portrayed character in words. He has used water colours to paint the figure of Laura Fairlie, a character who inspired him a lot. He explains that he painted the character as he has seen her. His described background is the same when he saw her for the first time. He was so inspired by the beauty and innocence of the character that he painted her on the canvas. â€Å"I look at it, and there dawns upon me brightly, from the dark greenish-brown background of the summer-house, a light, youthful figure, clothed in a simple muslin dress, the pattern of it formed by broad alternate stripes of delicate blue and white.† The summer-house, the figure of the lady and even her scarf with its stripes is quite prominent in the painting. Later on in the explanation about the portrayed lady, the writer explains the details about her clothes such as her gown, the straw hat with matching ribbons of the gown. After her clothing, the writer starts explaining the facial features of the women with the impact of her clothing. The writer gives a good attention to the eyes of the lady that are of blue turquoise colour. After elaborating about the features of the lady, the writer asks himself if he is able to see all these things in the drawing but the answer is in negative because the painting has faded with the passage of time and is

Citizen Kane review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Citizen Kane review - Essay Example As he utters his last word, â€Å"Rosebud†, a journalist sets out on a journey of investigation to discover the meaning of Kane’s last word. It is through this exploration, including interviews with family members and associates, that we are told the life story of Kane, from childhood as a member of a poverty stricken family, through to his move into the newspaper industry as he develops a position of huge and influential power within the medium as his personal life disintegrates. One of the most innovative and important aspects of the movie is its narrative techniques, which I greatly admire. The story is told through a series of flashbacks, and not necessarily in chronological order. In addition to this, the story is entirely non-linear in that it is told through the perspective and points of view of multiple characters (Cook, 2004). Such characters include much older individuals who have different interpretations and opposing descriptions of the protagonist. This non-linear storytelling technique which incorporates multiple narrators, including unreliable narrators, was extremely innovative of the time. Though a few previous movies had attempted this to some degree, â€Å"Citizen Kane† exploited this technique and based the structure of the entire movie upon this strategy. This is an extremely effective device and very appropriate for this particular movie. Another aspect of the movie which has garnered much well deserved acclaim is the cinematography. Welles apparently attempted to create a new style of making films, by trying to combine several such techniques into one cohesive method. This resulted in many new and innovative aspects to the movies cinematography. For example, the director employed several low-angle shots and used deep focus extensively (Cook 96). This was extremely modern and new for the time period, as the limitations and typical settings of movies

Arthur Andersen Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Arthur Andersen - Essay Example Long-range planning is most often an extrapolation of the present. It answers the question of how to get the job done. For example, if you (as a city department head) plan to provide the same services with the same frequency to an expanded city, that is long-range planning (Bateman and Snell 2009). In Arthur Andersen, planning function of management is based on unique strategic goals and competitive pressure, the need to meet customers' needs and preferences. "Once managers have assessed the various goals and plans, they will select the one that is the most appropriate and feasible" (Bateman and Snell 2009, p. 135). The planning function of management is to incorporate mission, vision, objective and goals into a well-thought development plans. For Arthur Andersen, the three basic strategic options are to grow, to remain static, or to shrink. The intent here is not to go into a detailed discussion of their application, but simply to point out the importance of establishing a clear theme of organizational direction and intent. Describing the overall strategy in clear terms is the pragmatic link to organizational objectives. Objectives, in turn, are the specific steps used to execute the defined strategy. Organizational goals are derived from the major categories of problems and opportunities, while objectives are derived from the specific issues that are listed as problems and opportunities. Thus, there will be a much larger number of objectives than organizational goals. Each objective is categorized under the specific goal that it supports. Worthwhile objectives meet certain criteria and are achievable. These conditions may be more stringent than they sound. Many times, too much is taken on in strategic-planning conferences, resulting in unrealistic expectations (Bateman and Snell 2009). Legal issues, ethics and corporate social responsibility have a great impact on planning determining the main directions and framework of future performance. The legal norms and principles are the core of planning process. Similar to other accounting firms, Arthur Andersen pays a special attention to FASB and Codes of ethics. Ethical issues involve fair treatment f all customers and high morale, strict moral principles of the profession and in personal relationships. This description implies that the responsibility of individuals and firms is to identify and respond to market stimuli and to make profits for the shareholders. Any corporate action on social issues is considered to violate management's responsibility to shareholders (Gutman, 2002). As the most outspoken supporter of the fundamentalist position, According to an accepted manifesto of the managerial view, the modern professional manager also regards himself, not as an owner disposing of personal property he sees fit, but a s a trustee balancing the interests of many diverse participants and constituents in the enterprise, whose interests sometimes conflict with those of others. What all this implies is that Arthur Andersen's managers have enough discretionary control of corporate resources to consider adding social responsibi

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Kevin Roche Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Kevin Roche - Essay Example In the very next year he came back to Michael Scott’s studio and applied for graduate studies at Harvard, Yale, and Illinois Institute of Technology. He left Ireland for United States in 1948 and completed his Masters program in Illinois Institute of Technology under Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. He served at the United Nations Planning Office for a very short time and later joined Eero Saarien and Associates at Bloomfield Hills, Michigan in 1950. Then the growth of Kevin Roche was notable that within four years, that is, by 1954, he became the principal design associate of Saarinen. Kevin Roche’s combined work with John Dinkeloo (1918-1981), who joined Saarinen office in 1950, has contributed some great architectural designs to the world. After the death of Saarinen in 1961, Kevin Roche and John Dinkeloo, along with senior partner and administrator Joseph Lacy, continued under Saarinen’s name finishing projects and securing new work, most notably the Oakland Museum (1961-1968) in Oakland, California. In 1966, with Saarinens work complete, the office adopted the present name, Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo and Associates. Kevin Roche’s talent as a designer and architect is so great that most of his creations identify it. He has planned and designed diverse facilities by implementing new advancements in design concepts. One of the living evidences is the creation of Oakland Museum of California which has often been described as a complex for the art, natural history, and cultural history of California. The construction of this museum with interrelated terraces and roof gardens exemplifies the former comment. Roche Dinkeloo focused mainly on constructions in the area of large urban and suburban projects. The construction of the Ford Foundation Headquarters (1963-1968) in New York City announces the mastery of modern building constructions. The L-shaped 12-story office building and the tall glass roofed garden, etc., are the typical features of

Business Plan Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Plan - Outline Example †¢ Research market for online health guidance services in terms of industry size and competitors (Thomas, 2003). †¢ Development of online platform where the users can register and retrieve information. †¢ Building functioning network with partners such as gym trainers, health care consultants and physicians. †¢ Small scale operation and pilot study for assessing the response of customers. †¢ Basic report on online business market. †¢ Online platform and registration tracking system created. †¢ Pilot study in place and result evaluated. †¢ Revenue and costs/cash flow model finalised. †¢ Marketing activities finalized. †¢ Completion of entire business plan. †¢ Resources available to conduct the research †¢ Identification of Gaps is possible. †¢ Stakeholders identifies the value of an online health platform †¢ Team members works together to make effectual use of resources and develops realistic costs †¢ Marketi ng skills can be developed through proper research. †¢ No external constraints.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Technology in the Tire Sector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology in the Tire Sector - Essay Example The industrial age of the early 20th century is rapidly giving way to the age of technology, which has also brought with it, added conveniences and freedoms which would never have been possible before. The most noticeable sphere where this phenomenon may be observed is in the transport industry. When Charles Goodyear invented vulcanized rubber way back in 1844, little did he realize that he was sowing the seed that would endow man with â€Å"wheels on his feet† and herald his entry into a world of freedom of movement with an ease that he would never have imagined. The very same vulcanized rubber is the standard material for tires today – those tires that help man to move around in the vehicles of his choice. Today, tire technology has evolved to such a point that they even contribute to lowering the pollution that is present in the atmosphere. Technology has made it possible for tires to be so engineered that they lower emissions from cars and thereby enhance fuel econo my and reduction of toxic pollutants of the atmosphere.[Fraschini, 2005]. These new tires are ecologically friendly because they work on the principle of lowering rolling resistance, which essentially means that the friction between the tires and the road is reduced. The tires have a lightweight high strength construction which aids in smooth rolling on the roads, producing a more fuel efficient engine and less emissions.[Fraschini, 2005]. Industrial development has already taken a toll on nature and the alarming increase in pollution levels due to vehicle emissions is a serious issue today. Therefore, developments in technology such as the ecologically friendly Potenza RE92 and the Bridgestone Ecopia tires[Fraschini, 2005] are welcome, because they represent an acceptable compromise between man’s urge to be on the move and the need to conserve the environment. Therefore, this is one instance where technology is beneficial and such

Business Plan Outline Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Business Plan - Outline Example †¢ Research market for online health guidance services in terms of industry size and competitors (Thomas, 2003). †¢ Development of online platform where the users can register and retrieve information. †¢ Building functioning network with partners such as gym trainers, health care consultants and physicians. †¢ Small scale operation and pilot study for assessing the response of customers. †¢ Basic report on online business market. †¢ Online platform and registration tracking system created. †¢ Pilot study in place and result evaluated. †¢ Revenue and costs/cash flow model finalised. †¢ Marketing activities finalized. †¢ Completion of entire business plan. †¢ Resources available to conduct the research †¢ Identification of Gaps is possible. †¢ Stakeholders identifies the value of an online health platform †¢ Team members works together to make effectual use of resources and develops realistic costs †¢ Marketi ng skills can be developed through proper research. †¢ No external constraints.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Understanding Educational Research & Assessment Essay Example for Free

Understanding Educational Research Assessment Essay The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of technology on achievement in the public school system. Using technology is not a new form of teaching in the school systems, but the question are how effective is technology in the classroom and does it really help in some academic subjects. A classroom teacher has to use different learning methods in order for the students to understand the concept being taught. Unfortunately, computers cannot teach some academic areas such as literacy skills, math skills, writing and reading skills. Using technology can enhance learning in the classroom by helping the teacher generate ideas to keep students motivated to do their work. Sharon Judge (2005); tested the connection between academic success among young African American children and their access to computers in their school and in their home. Her study focuses on 1,601 African American public school children who went to kindergarten and first grade. The results show that access to a home computer, computer areas within classrooms, child to computer ratios, software, and computers in schools were certainly correlated with academic achievement. In addition, constant use of software for literacy and math games were positively connected with academic success during kindergarten. High achievers that used software for literacy and math more often than both low and average achievers put together during kindergarten. Sharon Judge (2005) also examined the fast expansion of children access to computers and the internet in the United States is extraordinary. As of 2001, statistics say that about three-quarters of children between the ages of five and seven use computers at school, and fifty-six percent use computers at home. DeBell Chapman (2003). On the other hand, countless studies were written about the topic that showed that technology access and use in U. S.schools is a bit negative in schools serving Black, Hispanic, and low socio-economic status (SES) students who tend to have the lowest access to, and the most remedial usages of new technology (Becker, 2000; Dividing Lines, 2001; Wenglinsky, 1998). In addition, an important gap exists in home-computer ownership and Internet access between African American and white households (DeBell Chapman, 2003; Fairlie, 2002; Puma, Chapin, Pape, 2003; Solomon, 2002). Research Design/Methodology The purpose of this research is to determine how the influences of technology benefit the achievements in the public school system. The study methods will include information that was written in the region of study, the information will consist of several scholar articles and the influence of technology achievement in public schools. The research will include how technology usage in the classroom affects students and how technology improves the overall performance in the classroom. A scholar article is a professional paper written by a specialist in a given branch of knowledge. This data includes all the reviews of the scholar articles that were written by the specialist in a particular subject of information.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparing Eastern and Western Management Styles

Comparing Eastern and Western Management Styles Nowadays, organizations exist in the competitive business environment where theres rapid development which lead to high failure rate and difficult to stand up among the strong competitive environment. Turbulent business environment caused lots of organizations to face bankruptcy; however, there are still many successful organizations which have great success through their hard work. For those successful organizations, the main objectives are to maximum their competitive advantage and increase their market shares in the market place. However, such aim cannot be accomplish without the combination of instrumental and conceptual knowledge in their management practices. In fact, every successful organization needs competent people who have the all- around knowledge of leadership. Every business has a person to lead the organization to achieve success. The ability of this person to lead is essential to sustain the performance and growth of any businesses. Such person is sometimes seen as a charismatic leader, or even a competent manager can help to growth a business by manage the employees and operation effectively. In fact, the person who was seen as a leader of the organization is mostly the CEO of that organization, the decision and every single action that the CEO take will have massive impact on every single employee within the organization. The ability of a CEO to become a leader is essential in today competitive environment since CEO which has the ability to lead and create follower can create a vision for the organization and every people in that organization will be unite to achieve that vision. Mullins (2005) and Huczynski Buchanan (2007) also pointed out the important of leadership existing in the organizations. Hence, this essay will focus on the instrumental and conceptual knowledge of leadership by comparing two leaders from different culture and situation. 1.0 Introduction to Leadership Leaders are perceived as the heart of a business which inspire the whole organization and create vision for that particular business. Leadership is no longer a new word in the organization, but it is still a controversial word that many scholars concern with, because of the role we assume it plays in the organization is crucial. And there is always lack of the competent leadership in the society. In that case, lots of authors and scholars define the term of leadership through their understanding. In 1950, through long times study, Stogdill defined the term of leadership as the process of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts towards goal- setting and goal achievement (cited in Huczynski Buchanan, 2007: p. 716). According to Robbins Decenzo (2005: p. 240), leader may be defined as persons with managerial and personal power who can influence others to perform actions beyond those that could be dictated by those persons formal (position) authority alone. Moreover, as leader in the recent year, their responsibility is coordinating the others and followers at most of the time. From goal focus to human behaviour focus, or from autocratic leaders to democratic leaders, they all demonstrated that leadership is more and more important for any organizations. Leaders versus Managers However, there are distinguishing between leaders and managers which we should realize before analysing the leadership within the organization. Some argue that manager is not a leader, but the roles of a manager require them to become a leader (Huczynski Buchanan, 2007). As Robbins Decenzo (2005: p. 244) suggest not all leaders are managers, nor are all managers leaders. There are differences between a manager and a leader, manager manage but a leader lead. Robbins Decenzo (2005: p. 239) defined manager as persons whose influence on others is limited to the appointed managerial authority of their positions to reward and punish. Manager manage the rules, follow the procedures and manage everything according to the system and structure establish by the company, they manage the people by the power and authority they have, people are managed not because of the manager, it is because the authority and power that the manager have. However, some argue that leader can create follower and make people to believe without any power or authority, people are willing to follow the leader on their own behalf and will (Huczynski Buchanan, 2007). Thus, there are no clear line that separate a manager and a leader, a CEO can have the characteristic of both which make them more competences to manage and lead the company to a greater success. It is undeniable that in today competitive environment, both leading and managing role are critical success factor for a CEO to have in order to achieve greater achievement (Kyle, 2004; Kotter, 2001). As De Wit Meyer (2004: p. 497) argue, Every leader must perform some managerial functions, even though every manager cannot take a leadership role. Wit Meyer (2010) argues that: the leader controls the allocation of the attention focus of the participants in the organization in any organization where managers dominate, structured rules tend to influence the allocation of attention, but the leader will try to capture the attention focus of the participants so that their attention is allocated to the areas that the leader considers important. Leaders to Discuss and Compare This paper will discover two successful leaders Jeff Bezos from the west and Akio Toyoda from the east by comparing their leadership style and other aspects related to leadership in order to discover the differences of leadership in different culture and background. Jeff Bezos from the West Jeff Bezos is the founder, president, chief executive officer and chairman of the board of (New York Daily News, 2008). He founded in 1994, and launched in 1995. As a founder and CEO of, Jeff Bezos is a pioneer in e-commerce (Spiro, 2009). As shown in Fair (2002): At the end of 1999, Amazon had raked in over a billion dollars in sales à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in 2001, Amazon reported a fiscal loss of $1.4 billion, and had laid off over 200 workers in the last year à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Instead of giving up, Bezos had an idea: recruit other companies to sell their products online through Amazon as well. The idea worked. Companies such as Target, Toys R Us, Old Navy, and many others have agreed to sell their items through Amazon. Although Amazon is not directly responsible for inventory through these companies, they do get part of the sales, creating a profit for all involved. Since the inception of the idea, Amazon is now back on its feet and remains one of the most popular online vendors in the world today. Akio Toyoda from the East According to Los Angeles Times, 2009: Toyota tapped Akio Toyoda, grandson of the Japanese automakers founder, as president of Toyota à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The U.S.-educated Toyoda, 52, is the first founding family member to take the helm at Japans No. 1 automaker in 14 years. He promised a reaffirmation of the companys core principles, such as valuing ideas from the ranks a management approach called kaizen, [also known as Toyota Production System] that has made Toyotas production methods famous in industry circles around the world. 2.0 Comparison of Leadership Style and Culture 2.1 Participative Leadership Style and Charismatic Theory Jeff Bezos is more like a charismatic leader that practiced participative leadership style. Although he faced some obstacle in the early years, he managed to overcome the entire problem and bring Amazon to become one of the most innovative companies in the e-commerce industry. He launched and being persistent in persuading his aspiration, one of the characteristic of leader as describe by Mullins (2005). Jeff Bezos has the criteria as a charismatic leader as he has the ability to create a vision for the future and make everyone within Amazon believe in his visions that make him a charismatic leader. A vision should create enthusiasm, bringing energy and commitment to the organization (Robbins Decenzo, 2005: p. 246), while Ingbretsen (n. d.) argues that a charismatic leader has the ability to articulate a vision that touches an emotional chord with an audience. Jeff Bezos manages to lead people by making them believe that his innovative idea of online bookstore will be a s uccess. He had prove his vision are achievable and people believe in him since he lead everyone in the company to work hard and achieve the goal and objective to become the innovative player within the e-commerce industry, and people believe in him since he managed to turn the situation of Amazon around. As Robbins Decenzo (2005: p. 247) suggest, Charisma leadership appears to be most appropriate when the followers task has an ideological component or when the environment involves a high degree of stress and uncertainty. However, based on the other perspective that goes against charismatic theory, Raelin (2003) suggest that follower will follow the charismatic leader is just because the publicity make the leader look so powerful and great. The fancy packaging with the help from media had made the charismatic leader look like a legend, a myth that everyone believe is true. Levesque McNeil (2003, p. 215) strongly argue that as followers interact, they begin to define a social reality of leadership representing special mythical qualities endowed only by very special people. Raelin believes that followers are predisposed to look for a cause and a leader for whom they can become true believers (2003, p. 66). The critics for charismatic leader are that without massive publicity, there will be no charismatic leader; people will not recognize that leader at all. If Jeff Bezos is not good at making himself high profile by attending conferences, posting his own comment or opinions on the web, attending public events, accept a lot of interview and so on which make him highly expose to the media and make publicity for himself and the company as well, there will be no quoted as a charismatic leader for him. He was being quoted as a charismatic leader as people know what he done through the media and all the fancy publicity which make him look as great as a hero. There are many leaders around the world, even if we do not know their names or what great things that they have done, it didnt make them less an effective or great leader. Charismatic is not the only recognition for a great leader, people recognize the leader that they respect within their heart, even without the media spreading that lea der legend, people will still respect that leader, even he or she is not a charismatic leader. Indeed, some of the most significant CEO in the history of the visionary companies did not have the personality traits of the archetypal high-profile, charismatic leader (Forster, 2005, p. 30). 2.2 Autocratic and Collaborative Leadership Style On the other hand, Akio Toyoda practiced the autocratic leadership style and until now, the belief of autocratic leadership style still remain within the organization and most managerial level personnel practiced the same autocratic leadership style to manage their people. The main reason autocratic is effective at Toyota mostly based on the power-cultural that Japan always have. Akio Toyoda as president of Toyota is reaffirming its commitment to collaborative culture and methods (Rosen, 2009). Although being autocratic, Akio Toyoda practiced Genchi genbutsu or see it for yourself fits squarely into collaborative culture and methods of Toyota (Liker, 2004). As leaders, Akio Toyoda suggests that manager needed to hold themselves accountable for all their decisions, which they required their people to execute very quickly. Collaborative leadership and autocratic style of Akio Toyoda doesnt make him stay away from their unique kaizen production method, but to collaborate more with the implementation of lean production plant which was known as the Toyota Production System (Liker, 2004). Toyota Production System distinguished from its competitors and hard to duplicate since it is underpinned by just-in-time delivery (JIT); product quality; employee flexibility and the elimination of waste. This unique lean production system was buttressed by principle such as teamwork, continuous improvement, quality circles and employee development. 2.3 Traits Theory Although both leaders practiced different leadership style, they have their own personality traits that made them a great leader. First of all, based on the instrumental knowledge, the traits theory also call traits- spotting is argued even in recent years, for the reason of that leader is nature born or make. Although, there are thousands of successful leaders existing in the world, all of them have their own traits which can be summarize as six leadership traits including ambition and energy, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self- confidence, intelligence and job- relevant knowledge. Hence, instrumental knowledge indicated that the traits are the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader through six leadership traits (Robbins Decenzo, 2005: p. 256). However, not every leader has all of the personal traits instead of maybe some of them. And lots of examples tell us that leader with different traits also can obtain successful in every area. For instance, Jeff Bezos a nd Akio Toyoda have total different characteristics and personal traits, but both of them acquired big successful in the business world. However, in contrast with the instrumental knowledge, the conceptual knowledge holds that it is difficult to identify whether any people is naturally born with trait, or they might just gain those ability through their life experience and learn from it. Besides, different countries which have different culture will need leader with different characteristic. Thus, every leader which is required in different country will need to have different trait. For example, people from the Western countries and people from the Eastern country will have different culture or ways of doing things (Hofstede, n. d.). Thus, different leadership style need to be implement in different countries, if that particular countries are afraid of uncertainty and have a high level of avoidance for confusion, such as China, Japan and others, the Autocratic style might be more appropriate. Therefore, there is no one universally accepted set of traits for all leaders. Every single individual are different, their abi lity and skills, knowledge and experience will be different as well and they will be accepted in the mind of different people which appreciate their traits. 2.4 Behavioural Theory The most popular behavior style theory should be Blake and Moutons Grid which is based on the idea that different in leadership approach are a function of concern for people and concern for production emerged during the 1960s (Doyle Smith, 2001). According to behavioral theory, it is easy to find out which style the leaders are belonging to by identifying the behavior. For example, leadership styles are another important aspect from the management process where different country will have different management style. Huczynski Buchanan (2007) suggest that leader cannot use the same leadership style in their various locations around the world due to the cultural and behavior differences. Japanese leadership style differs from those in the U.S and the most common is that Japanese (Akio Toyoda) and U.S (Jeff Bezos) leader have a basically different philosophy of managing people. For example, Jeff Bezos is heavily individual-orientated and will praised individual with great performance in front of everyone. However, a Japanese saying is, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down which mean that no individual should stand out from the group. Giving out individual reward system in Japan could embarrass a Japanese worker and is not accepted at Japan. Western motivation models are culturally individualistic, applying them to a collectivistic culture is probably inappropriate. As Fujisawa, co-founder of Honda Motor Company stated, Japanese and American management is 95% the same and differs in all important aspects (Keeley, 2001, p. 18; Erez Gati, 2004). U.S leadership style is not appropriate at Japan where the Japanese employees are unable to accept or tolerate participative and individual orientated leadership style. Mintzberg Westly (2001) suggest that Japanese worker dislike emphasize on individual performance and more toward group-orientation, and will felt appreciate if their leader can pay some attention to them at work and also concern a little bit about their personal life, like what Akio Toyoda did as a leader at Toyota. Akio Toyoda was more willing to allow poor performance to continue for a time so that those who were involved would learn from their mistake and to harvest loyalty among employees. The example above clearly showed that there are clearly different ways to work in different culture and it is important for leader to understand such differences and manage the employees based on their own culture. Huczynski Buchanan (2007) argues that leadership styles vary from company to company. There are many different styles of leadership that can bring success to an organization but organization has to make sure that their leadership style is right for the business. Which leadership styles to practice depend on many factors, but the most determine factors that has the biggest influence on management style will definitely be culture and behavior. 2.5 Contingency Theory and Hofstedes Five Cultural Dimensions Fiedler and his associates bring out the contingency theory which combines leadership style and situation during 1960s. In Fielders model, the good performance of the group depends on the interaction of the leadership style and the favorable situation, and a good leadership must be flexible and adaptable in order to appropriate different situation within the organization no matter how hard or soft situation (Huczynski Buchanan, 2007). Thus, there is no single style of leadership which can match to all situations; even the most effective leadership behavior should depend on the situational factors. Hofstede (n. d.) commented that: Western countries have characteristics of high individualism, medium uncertainty avoidance, high masculinity, low to medium power distance, and low long-term orientation. [Thus, based on the situation, it is best for Jeff Bezos to practiced participative leadership style in USA. On the other hand, eastern countries such as Japan] was found to have characteristics of low individualism, high uncertainty avoidance, high masculinity, high power distance, and high long-term orientation Hence, it is more appropriate for Akio Toyoda to practiced autocratic leadership style to suit the cultural and situation at Japan. In order to compare the different culture of USA and Japan, Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions of USA and Japan will be as the following (Hofstede, n. d.): Source: Geert Hofstede, Cultural Dimensions, 3.0 Conclusion In conclusion, it is undeniable that Jeff Bezos is a great CEO which made Amazon a famous and innovative online company globally. However, it is too narrow to believe that charismatic leader is everything since Akio Toyoda is still a great leader without being a charismatic leader. Jeff Bezos is a charismatic leader, it might be his style to be one, but charismatic leader style is not suitable for everyone or in different culture, background and country, it might not be essential. Therefore, there is no one universal accepted leadership style that is the most effective one. Great leader are not only charismatic leader, anyone who was seen as a great leader, no matter what his leadership style was, is nothing less an effective leader if they were not quoted as one. Thus, culture differences play a significant role whereby leaders must consistently aware of the cultural change and react to the situation in order to lead their staff with the most appropriate type of leadership. Without acknowledging to the aforesaid, one will never be a good leader.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Identifying The Day We Were Dogs Essay -- Day We Were Dogs Essays

Identifying The Day We Were Dogs      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Whether or not "The Day We Were Dogs" (1993) is a magical realist story is questionable. Often stories are misidentified because of the closeness of literature such as magical realism, the fantastic, and the sublime. The story leaves a lot to one's imagination instead of presenting it in the text. Elena Garro blends two days and two completely different worlds together in this story. The magical elements depend on how one uses his or her imagination throughout this story. The girls could either be pretending to be dogs or they could have actually become dogs. If they are in fact real dogs, they are able to talk, and their dog Toni also talks. Also, magic numbers are used throughout the story. The main magical element is the blending of the two days. The story jumps back and forth between the two and never distinguishes between them. The realistic elements include Toni's actions. He shows how dogs spend their days lying under a tree and eating all day. Another realistic element depends on how one accepted the events that happened within the two parallel days. If the girls were not actually turned in to dogs but were just pretending, then this fact is another realistic element. Children often pretend they are animals, expecially dogs. In magical realism, "the text contains something we cannot explain according to the laws of the universe as we know them" (Faris 167) and the "descriptions detail a stong presence of the phenomenal world" (Faris 169). These quotes explain why one might think that this story is magical realism due to the two different worlds that are going on at the same time. Also, one "experience[s] the closeness or near-merging of two realms, two worlds" (Fari... ...l Realism: Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham; N.C.: Duke UP, 1995. 249-263. Garro, Elena. "The Day We Were Dogs." Latin American Writers: Thirty Stories. Ed. Gabriells Ibieta. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, Inc., 1993. 206-212. Faris, Wendy B. "Scherazade's Children: Magical Realism and Postmodern Fiction." Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham; N.C.: Duke UP, 1995. Sandner, David. "Romanticism and Transcendence in Nineteenth-Century Children's Fantasy Literature." The Fantastic Sublime. Westport, C.T.: Greenwood Press. 45-65, 142-147. Theim, Jon. "The Textualization of the Reader in Magical Realist Fiction." Magical Realism: Theory, History, Community. Ed. Lois Parkinson Zamora and Wendy B. Faris. Durham; N.C.: Duke UP, 1995. 235-247.   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Police Force Essay -- American History, Police Training

Throughout history the police force has severely changed, with the first forms of policing appearing in the Anglo-Saxon period in England; where the king would provide protection to the civilians for a tax (Mawby, 1999). Centuries later and the principles of protecting the people are generally the same. However, in recent times crimes and perpetrators are becoming more sophisticated; the need for higher abilities to control and manage these complicated situations is becoming more prevalent. It can be seen that the entry requirements into the police force are also dramatically increasing over the decades. This paper aims to critically assess the effectiveness of higher education requirements by outlining the advantages and disadvantages and how it can be improved further. To gain a further understanding a brief history of the constant debate will be analysed. At the beginning of the twentieth century, in Berkeley, California, Police Chief August Vollmer expressed his encouragement for police to acquire a formal university education (Carte, 1973). Unfortunately it wasn’t until the late 1960s that significant debate arose from police leaders about the effectiveness and benefits of formal qualifications, and how it plays a role in police professionalism (Roberg and Bonn 2004). The first major debate in Australia occurred in 1990; when the National Police Professionalism Implementation Advisory Committee (NPPIAC) recommended that to achieve national professionalism in police services, a university qualification should be included in the education requirements (Trofymowych, 2008). Although the topic has been debated for almost a century only minimal requirements have been applied. In Queensland the current education requirements f... ...e early 1990s; it is recommended this should be the requirement instead of the current 18 months of tertiary education. The belief that the current 18 months is sufficient enough is very lacking. The main point which has been seen is to increase the ‘professionalism’ of an individual, however it is hard to believe that a person will be professional if they only achieve half a university degree then quit. A nationwide requirement needs to be set out as a minimum for the security of Australia; it is believed that the advancement of skills, methods and training can only be achieved through higher levels of education. It is unclear if police will ever attain ‘professional’ status; however it is believed that with the correct structure and implementation, higher education will play the deciding factor. Although it is also believed that there is still a long way to go.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A letter to Dr. King

I hereby write this letter to emphasize on the step that you have taken that will make a great history to the American society and on the social issues that are highlighted in the letter.Being the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) you have the mandate and authority to talk on the injustice which is developing in many states like Birmingham. It is known that injustice is a threat to justice everywhere and this should provide a reason for your actions. More so, we should understand that whatever affects one affects all of us because we are tied in a single garment of destiny.There are many demonstrations going on at Birmingham that should be taken care off by first collecting the facts on whether injustices exist or the use of direct action, all this involves a non-violent action. This city is mostly segregated in United States with the Negros receiving unjust treatments in the courts. This is even worse as many homes for the Negros have experienced more bombings which even extend to their churches.These demonstrations are more so necessary at this moment because of the trend of economy. This is the time when there shall be a strong economic withdrawal program as a result of the direct action, the time when the merchants shall be in need for change.It is necessary to put direct and indirect action towards demonstrations in Birmingham because; this can create a situation that can bring about an open door for negotiation. More so still the Birmingham administration shall not be allowed to act because it must first be prodded before it starts to act. From the past, it has been seen that there has not been any gain without using a determined legal and nonviolent pressures. Therefore, there is need to get engaged in the direct-action campaign because we know that justice that is delayed too long is simply justice denied.The American community has waited for a long duration without having the constitutional and God-given rights which mean s there is a slow down in gaining political independence. Therefore, people have increased their anxiety to break laws which are unjust. This is because of the existence of two types of laws which are just and unjust laws. Unjust laws are those that degrade the human personality like the segregated statutes or just arresting a charge of parading without permit which is used for example to maintain segregation and deny citizens a peaceful assembly and protest.Another major social concern that you expressed in the letter is recognition of the importance of law in a country. That is it exists in order to establish justice and that if violated we are likely to become a dam that is dangerously structured for the purpose of blocking social progress. I certainly do not support this because the whites seem to have a low regard of the existence of law.This is the main limiting factor to establishment of justice in the legal systems. It has however been expected that the oppressor race shall be at least understand the needs of the oppressed race which is just but a dream a reason as to why the oppressed should be strong, persistent and determined for action.I still feel that the church has some inner strong power to take care of the oppressed race which has been an inverse in the present times. But lack of will has made it weak and has had an ineffectual voice that is unable to perform its duties.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

New Zild

? New Zealand English (NZE) which is now known as â€Å"New Zild† is an exciting and newfangled language they speak in New Zealand. New Zild is forever evolving-forming new, abbreviated ways of speech. Their shared language – Te Reo/English makes up their unique, lucid dialect, which unites them as a country and distinguishes them from the rest of the world, this is a great aspect as their language will be fancied in the future. New Zealand English is the newest most fascinating language in the world today. New Zild is the only language that can be tracked since its birth over two centuries ago. The dialogue is forever evolving, changing and advancing. New Zealand English is a continuously developing speech. What makes this language so exclusive is that you can use available resources to show the developing and unfurling of it. Although characteristic features of New Zealand English have evolved from British English, there are no longer any dominant influences. New Zild forms and illustrates a Kiwi, who creates their own language, being New Zild. Their strong accent is greatly noticed overseas. Foreigners find New Zild bizarre, as they talk faster than, they do. Although New Zealand English is closely related Australian English also known as ‘strine’ but they have their individuality, as New Zealanders do. America has major influence in all the languages, including New Zild. American English is the most influential language of the world. The trends it sets are spread by mass communications around the globe, for example, television, movies and music. American English can have a negative impact depending on the kind of influence being portrayed, for example, teenagers listening to rap music, the lyrics or words expressed may have meaning, but would their parents like them talking like the rapper? American English also has a positive impact on New Zild as it creates new characteristics and majorly influences the development of New Zealand English. The American English greatly affects young New Zealanders as they may speak an even stranger language than their elders. Their speech has been hugely influenced which all contributes to the future. The dialect of the younger population is different, therefore change naturally occurs. New Zealand’s younger generation being teenagers forms many, new colloquialisms, increasing yet decreasing their vocabulary. According to Jennifer Hay in Denis Welch’s Listener article, â€Å"By the time someone is seven or eight, it doesn’t matter where their parents came from, they’re speaking like their friends at school. † Older New Zealanders are trying to adapt to the teenage dialect, after all they are the voices of the future. Their dialogue will be the future New Zealand’s English, as the new vocabulary, colloquialisms work their way from the bottom of the social heap to the top. The tremendous variety of languages composed in New Zealand is another impact. New Zild is an exciting language as it includes an assortment of influences from these solitary vocal influences. Maori have changed the way New Zealanders speak because words and sayings from Te Reo have been absorbed into the vocabulary spoken today. There are some Maori who can speak both English and Maori beautifully. Years ago only 1/1000 Maori words spoken were fully understood in New Zealand English, now 6/1000 Te Reo words spoken are understood in New Zealand English. Could this be renaissance? Including Te Reo, there is also one other contributing factor to New Zealand English, such as Pacific Island dialect. Te Reo and the pacific input combined, greatly influence New Zealanders speech and pronunciation of different words. New Zild is the most innovative, peculiar language. New Zealand English is the only language in the world that can be documented from the beginning which helps predict future dialect. Along with the growing Te Reo pronunciation New Zild is evolving into something that is very interesting and distinctly theirs.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

My favorite things Essay

It is often said that the best things in life are free, I, for one, fully agree with the statement. To me, “best” does not imply the most beautiful or glamorous, or the most indulgent or heavenly, but it is those things which I held to be the most valuable and precious in my life. Most people would choose to write about their role model (usually their mother), or the sunset, or even the rain. Some would write about food, others about clothes. I, on the other hand, have “favourite” things of a very different kind. It might sound strange, but my favourite things are: my eyes, my nose, my mouth, my ears, and my hands. Although they are nothing out of the ordinary (no unfortunately I havenÂ’t been blessed with aquamarine eyes, or perfectly pouting lips), these features are my favourite things because of their ability to evoke in me experience of pure, unadulterated bliss. Take my eyes, for instance. People say that oneÂ’s eyes are the window to oneÂ’s soul. Then I must have a fairly bleak, run-of-the mill type of soul, for what you will see when you look at my eyes are two dark-brown, round buttons. They do not exude any magnetism; neither do they give off an aura of mystery and melodrama. But, they have been the rolls with which I have been able to witness many a beautiful sunset. The sun spreads its mosaic of colour on the horizon, amidst wisps of drifting clouds, as hues of russet pink and violet glisten across the sapphire sky. Then, darkness tears the sky asunder, as day slips into night, providing a canvas for the vast constellation of stars that sparkle majestically, illuminated by the glow of the moon. Serenity fills my souls and soothes my mind as the magnificence and splendour of the sunset captives me. My next favourite thing is my nose, a feature that quite dominant on my visage, conspiracy exhibiting its own sense of prominence. I assume that it could serve as a rather good model to demonstrate inclined planes in a Physics practical or even gradient in Analytical Geometry. However, I hold my nose in high esteem for the many delectable scents that it allows me to smell: the subtle scent of a delicate flower that tickles the nostrils like a gentle breeze; a calming perfume that comforts my heart; a beautiful fragrance that is soft yet intense; subtle powerful, aromatic blends that  engulf the nostrils with sweet smell. Not much can be said about my mouth. Although my upper lip is a perfectly shaped CupidÂ’s bow, my lower lip seems to have natural Botox. I would also have preferred my lips to be more of a rosy-plink colour, rather than the dull mauve that they are. However, all disappointments disappear when I consider the heavenly taste of chocolate mousse that has passed through these same lips- the feeling of pleasure and contentment that engulfs my entire being as the rich taste intoxicates my sense, is unmatchable. The sensation of sweetness soaks into my taste buds, as it slowly oozes down my throat and into my oesophagus. The last of my favourite things are my hands, which are preceded by skinny elongated arms, both of which could be used rather effectively in a Geography lesson to teach the concept of a river and its many tributaries, due to the map of the deep-blue veins that run their course along the inside of my arms. Yet, this ghostly sight is forgotten when I remember the soothing feeling of a long, hot bath and the silky sensation of warm soap bubbles against my skin. All stress and tension drains away into the soapy water and my body feels rejuvenated and invigorated, the mind floating upwards like a soap bubble, into another realm. So these are my favourite “things”. Of course, they come with their own imperfection but I am nevertheless extremely grateful for hem. My favourite things bring me feelings of joy, love, and achievements, success, giving, and caring, all of which cannot be seen or even touched. They can only be felt with the heart.