Saturday, August 31, 2019


Alexander Pope wrote a long poem which he called Dunciad. He had no patience with the half learned and the ill-learned. He branded them all dunces and poetasters and made them the theme of his Dunciad. Like Iliad, it was not an epic but a satire wherein he said A little learning is a dangerous thing Drink deep or taste not the Pierian Spring. The problem with such people, said Pope, was not that they did not know much; but that they thought they knew everything. Therefore he advised them to master their subjects thoroughly or abjure them once for all.To think that one knows everything is like living in a fool's paradise. It is a comforting thought as far as it goes, if one can stop with it. But curiously enough one thought leads to another and that sets things moving. Satisfaction leads to arrogance and that opens the Pandora's Box. Arrogance knows no fear, no second thoughts. Discrimination vanishes and with a foolish sense of confidence the arrogant will venture to do anything. Sur ely, fools tread where angels fear. We know man falls by pride; and therefore the moment he becomes swollen headed, his fall begins.But he will not fall alone. He will cause a disaster; and many an innocent man will go down with him. Like a drowning man he drags with him anyone he can lay hands upon. When you think that you are Mr. Know – all, you will probably begin to act like a No – all. Many an innocent man will believe what you say. If they simply wonder like the rustics who stared at the village pedagogue and wondered how a small head could carry so much, no mischief is done. But if they also believe what you say, they are at once on the wrong side of the fence.Some of the religious fanatics are guilty of such a sin. They do not know what actually a religion is for. They cannot realize that it is for man's good – to bring comfort in moments of sorrow and distress, to guide him in times of illusion and indecision and to lead him out from darkness and ignora nce. They harangue about the superiority of their god, decry the people of other faiths call them infidels and declare holy wars in the name of God and religion. The ignorant masses who believe them take to arms and cut the throats of innocent people. eligion which is expected to bring comfort and sunshine in the lives of people will spread distress and darkness. People who cannot understand that the essence of religion is understanding, tolerance, compassion and service will think that they are pundits and prophets. Pope rightly advises such false prophets ‘to drink deep' or else ‘taste not the Pierian Spring'. People who believe in racial superiority are no better. They talk of blue blood, azure eyes, blonde hair and fair skin and look down upon others.They too suffer from the limitations of little knowledge. They do not realize that we all belong to one race – the race of man, whether the colour of the skin is white or yellow, brown or black and that these vari ations are the ways of nature to add beauty and variety to its creation. Every artist knows that he needs to vary his colours, combine and recombine them, to produce the needed effect and make his creations look more and more beautiful. But these half learned people who do not know this much, practice racial discrimination and spell disaster.

Friday, August 30, 2019

To What Extent Do Modern Versions of Virtue Ethics Address

To what extent do modern versions of Virtue Ethics address the weaknesses of Aristotle’s teachings on virtue? Aristotle’s idea of Virtue Ethics was influenced by his belief that all things and all humans have a purpose (a telos). For him a complete explanation of something has to include its final cause or purpose which essentially is to realise its potential. Virtue Ethics itself is concerned with the characteristics of a person rather than how a person behaves and it is this he outlined in his book Nicomachean Ethics. A ‘’virtue’’ are qualities that lead to a good life e. . courage and honesty. Aristotle explains for a person to adopt these qualities into their own lives is to maximise their potential to achieve a happy life and he goes on to explain Eudaimonia as being a quality of this happiness. However Aristotle then explains that a person should not act virtuously just to achieve a particular end because he believes this to be a subordi nate aim. A person that acts in a way to achieve goodness Aristotle explains is a superior aim and it is these people that act ‘’good’’ because it is the right way to act not because they ought to.Following on from this Aristotle goes on to explain the key to goodness and virtue is to follow the ‘’golden mean’’. This is when as a person we act between two extreme vices for example the midpoint between shamelessness and shyness is modesty, this therefore is the golden mean. Aristotle also distinguished between two types of virtue, moral virtues and intellectual virtues. The first being those cultivated through habit whilst intellectual virtues are those cultivated through instruction. In the later twentieth century Virtue Ethics suffered a revival.It was questioned whether Aristotle’s teachings on Virtue Ethics had any weaknesses and some modern perspectives on Virtue Theory can be seen to highlight these flaws. Although no t to a great extent, I do believe some modern versions of Virtue Ethics address the weaknesses of Aristotle’s teachings and my view is shared by many scholars who have criticised Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics for being too ‘’relative, vague and self-centred’’. Elizabeth Anscombe believed that ethical codes laying stress on moral absolute laws are outdated in a society where effectively a belief in God has been abandoned by the majority.She believed that we need to return to a morality which is based on human flourishing. However Anscombe did believe a return to achieving Eudaimonia was required and working from the basis of Aristotle’s work she believed morality is best based on a person (agent) rather than an act or outcome. Similarly Philippa Foot argued that although virtues cannot guarantee happiness, they can go some way to achieving it and she too uses Aristotle’s roots but updates them accordingly.She explains that virtues ca n only be virtuous when used in the correct way; she used the example of courage when applied to somebody robbing a bank, in this instance courage is therefore not a virtue and cannot be seen as virtuous. Alasdair MacIntyre encourages a return to the basis of Aristotle’s understanding of virtue and encourages the development of virtues that are relevant to contemporary times. He believed when compared to other ethical theories Virtue Ethics are more realistic and applicable to peoples everyday situations.I would agree with MacIntyre here that a virtue-approach is more suitable in our society. Naturalistic theories of ethics are time consuming and overly complexed and therefore difficult to apply, Virtue Ethics however is not. For MacIntyre morality should be focused on developing your telos, this echoing Aristotle’s teachings. When referring back to the question, to what extent do modern versions of virtue ethics address the weakness of Aristotle’s teachings, Ma cintyre’s work can be used to show that Modern versions of virtue ethics can do the exact opposite.Aristotle’s teachings are seen throughout Macintyre’s work so how therefore can Aristotle’s work be criticized for having weaknesses? However not all modern philosophers use Aristotle’s work in their own and many would argue against my view that it is without weakness. J. L Mackie, Louden and Sidgewick have criticized Aristotle’s teachings for being too vague for any application and Sidgewick went on to say it only indicates the whereabouts of a virtue. The belief that is doesn’t provide accurate guidance can also be seen in Rosalind Hursthouse’s work.She believes Aristotle’s work on Virtue Ethics doesn’t explain how a person would or should act but only how a virtuous person would think about the dilemma. However she like Foot and Anscombe is a supporter of Aristotle’s approach to morality using his work but adapting it to suit a modern society. When looking at Aristotle’s teachings, they can be seen as very cultural dependent. The change in culture in our society today can be seen as a barrier for reviving this ethical theory. During the time of Aristotle communities were consistent in what they believed and this made virtues applicable to all.However in relation to our own communities today is there this consistency? In my opinion I do not believe so. For this reason I would argue that Aristotle’s idea of Eudaimonia in today’s society would be interpreted differently by many and one virtue for somebody may be a vice for another. From modern scholars such as Anscombe, Foot and MacIntyre we can see that Aristotle’s ideas are still prevalent in their own and it is for this reason that I disagree modern versions of virtue ethics addresses the weaknesses of Aristotle’s teachings to a large extent.Whilst using his ‘roots’ but changing it to su it a modern society may be seen ,by some, to be a weakness in my opinion this is a strength. Aristotle’s teachings have stood the test of time and are still predominantly used in this century with only a few appropriate changes. The counter argument however would be that Aristotle’s teachings are outdated for the community we live in now. The difference in community now compared with that of Aristotle’s provide a weakness in his theory and I understand that to a small extent weaknesses can be found, using modern versions of Virtue Ethics, in Aristotle’s teachings.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How Japanese Religion is Depicted in “Spirited Away”

This can be seen as foreshadowing of what will happen further in the movie, when Choir is somewhat arced, or challenged, to leave behind her naivety and fear for courage and bravery to be able to handle what is to come in her future. The movie begins with a scene very similar to The Wizard of Oz – a turbulent trip followed by a strange Journey through spiritual and emotional growth, where the main character is in limitability. Choir and her parents take a wrong turn and follow a very rough secondary road to what they thought would be their home in the distance.This is what I believe to be the beginning of the display of Japanese religion, here statues, idols, and religious structures are seen. They end up at what appears to be an old abandoned shrine. This shrine is surrounded by tiny house-like structures, which the mother states are â€Å"spirit houses† for the spirits to live in. Everyone exits the car and decides to explore this abandoned area, which the father stat es might be an old theme park no longer in business.The family begins to enter a tunnel leading into the abandoned building. The travel portrayed by the family walking through a physical structure could be seen as the pathway between two orals, old and new. As the family goes through the shrine and emerge on the other side, they begin looking for food that they have smelled. When they find it, the mother and father sit down and begin eating, encouraging Choir to also try it.She feels something is not right, so while her parents are gorging on food, Choir explores the rest of the area. This is very symbolic individuals need to make the journey of spiritual growth on their own. She comes up on a huge bathhouse where she meets Master Haiku. The bathhouse is symbolic in Shinto religion, which refers jack to rural Shinto tradition of villagers and rural people to call upon the Kim (or spirits) to come out and bathe in their village baths.There is also symbolism in meeting Master Haiku, a s he states â€Å"has known Choir since she was very little† – similar to what we see in the relationship displayed in Christianity or Hinduism between God(s) and the individual. It is after meeting Haiku that Choir begins her journey through this spirit world. Shortly after meeting Haiku, darkness falls and Choir sees that she is becoming transparent. Haiku finds her and tells her to eat food of this world† so she doesn't disappear. This â€Å"food† was displayed in the movie as only a small berry.This berry is extremely symbolic, showing that one must take in (even Just small) pieces of the spiritual world to remain whole, or present, and to prevent from becoming transparent within the spiritual world. This could also suggest that without taking in â€Å"food† from the spiritual world, one simply becomes transparent and without substance within the real world. Haiku gives instructions to Choir as to how to survive this lamina Journey and leaves he r. Choir is quite frightened but Haiku tells her that she will be reunited with her parents soon.This is another example of foreshadowing, as we do not know for certain at this point that Choir will be reunited with them, but it is clear to Haiku that she will definitely be reunited. Choir continues her Journey, begging for a Job in the bathhouse to prevent being turned into an animal or vegetable. This references the Shinto belief that everything in life is gift giving – human, animals, and vegetation. But in order to experience the Kim in all vegetation and animals, one has to be pure of heart and mind in such a way that is difficult to attain.This is present in our everyday lives, as we are aware and involved with animals and vegetation, but it is possible that we do not experience the Kim of these things because our hearts and minds are too engrossed and polluted by worldly events, possessions, and unnecessary things. To be able to experience this Kim, we must cleanse our spirits and minds, Just as Choir moved through the various parts of the bathhouse beginning in the very dirty AOL area, and moving through various cleaner parts of the bathhouse.During her time in the bathhouse, Choir meets many new characters. The black ghost-like creatures are the souls of the dead of those who had regrets or worries. This is symbolic, showing that the person must be present-focused in their lives to avoid this punishment. â€Å"No Face† is another character met within the movie. This character initially shows selfishness and behaves like a tyrant; growth of this character is seen very parallel with Choir and toward the end of the movie, No Face learns to be kind ND genuine and helps Granny to knit a harridan to keep Choir safe.Through the various tests that Yuba (the Witch of the bathhouse) puts Choir through, Choir is able to purify and cleanse her heart and mind in such a way that she grows spiritually and emotionally as a person. Through this growth, s he is able to help Haiku remember his true identity. Although Choir was given an alternate identity (â€Å"Seen†) during her time at the bathhouse, she is also able to remember her own name, and is ultimately reunited with her parents.Once they have all returned to the car, Choir is the only one who remembers the Journey, though physical traces of dust and leaves on the car show that they have been gone for quite some time. Another Japanese cultural and religious perspective is seen in the fact that this is a very family-oriented movie. Everyone starts out together as a family, separates for some time while Choir learns to make selfless choices for the good of reunifying her family, then reunites at the end with Choir having gained the attitude that she will try to adjust to the new life for her family.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Ford Mustang Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ford Mustang - Assignment Example For instance, in order for an automobile company to remain relevant in the market, most of them employ the strategy of lowering their costs to attract customers. This has been the war witnessed between Toyota and Ford and General Motors Company as noted by John (1999). Political/Government factors also impact on the automobile industries strategic planning as government laws and regulations requires them engage in production of eco-friendly automobiles (John, 1999). John reports that due to environmental concerns, car companies are being forced to abide with the regulations aimed at mitigating the levels of pollution. For instance, car companies are expected to adhere to Average Fuel Economy, which took effect in 1975 (John, 1999). Failure to comply with these regulations attracts heavy fines, which proves costly to these companies. For instance, these regulations have forced most of these companies to engage in the manufacture of eco-friendly and fuel efficient cars (John, 1999). John reports that the governments bid top lower the rate of employment has discouraged Ford Motors for instance, from fully automating its operation, which would in a way take up local jobs. The same has been witnessed with General Motors Company and Toyota as well. Technological changes taking place all over the world requires technological changes within automobile industries (Reynolds and Lancaster, 2012). This is due to the fact that some companies in the automobile industry have come up with more eco-friendly, and fuel efficient cars that are on high demand. A case in point is the most recent electric car. This means that other companies have to emulate this in order to remain relevant and have a competitive advantage over other competitors. Economic trends are the changes that occur in the economies of countries across the globe. The automobile industry is among the industries largely affected by

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Studying Abroad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Studying Abroad - Essay Example In contrast to other numerous countries, we are uninformed when it comes to the world that exists beyond our borders (Hess 21). Students who study abroad return home with less biased and informed perspectives regarding other people and their cultures. I also conducted a survey in this classroom, where I found that zero of us had ever studied abroad, despite the fact that we have five foreign students studying here that are natives. I totally understand this logic since I never studied abroad myself. Many of us also have a preconceived notion regarding what going abroad for studies entails, and often ignore the opportunity of doing so as they do not seem realistic. The reasons given for not studying abroad include; high costs, delayed graduation dates, going alone, a fear of flying or simply lack interest (DuFon & Eton 22). These logical issues can all be resolved. Additionally, studying abroad at Lynn University will help to expand my worldview, give me an opportunity to break my old academic routine, and will help me learn more about myself. While going abroad for studies seems expensive, it would help us to look at it as a vacation price that includes transportation, books, transport, passports, side trips, airfare and tuition (Loflin 41). Studying at Lynn University will cost approximately $2,800 and one would be here for the summer. When you calculate plans during the summer in the United States, they are much lower than they are here. Additionally, Lynn University offers scholarships, using tens of thousands of dollars every year.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Social and Situational Crime Prevention Strategies Research Paper

Social and Situational Crime Prevention Strategies - Research Paper Example The most widely recognized definition of crime prevention in the latter part of the 20th century refers to the difference between social and situational strategies of crime prevention—social strategies are generally called ‘community crime prevention’ (Stenson, 1991, p. 63). Many argue that the concepts of social and situational prevention are quite contemporary, even though the principles they support are not. This paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, and applications of situational and social crime prevention strategies. Social crime prevention focuses mostly on transforming social environments and the impulses of lawbreakers. Social crime prevention strategies hence are likely to place emphasis on the creation of programs, like activity-based courses and youth associations, to discourage existing or possible delinquents from future criminal behavior. Jon Bright claims that one of the main advocates of social crime prevention is the United Kingdom, which â €Å"aims to strengthen socialization agencies and community institutions in order to influence those groups that are most at risk of offending† (Stenson, 1991, p. 64). On the other hand, situational crime prevention strategies primarily involve ‘opportunity reduction’, like monitoring of activities in public places (e.g. parking lots, shopping malls, etc.) through surveillance equipment, to lessen opportunities for criminal activities. Both social and situational crime prevention strategies are likely to be ‘multiagency’ in focus, instead of being motivated by a single agency, like law enforcement (Lowman & MacLean, 1992). The top radical criminologist, Jock Young, has identified multiagency crime prevention measures in this way: â€Å"Multiagency intervention is the planned, coordinated response of the major social agencies to problems of crime and incivilities† (Lowman & MacLean, 1992, p. 64).  

Second Examination (Jack Power and Joseph Control Case) Case Study

Second Examination (Jack Power and Joseph Control ) - Case Study Example ver, with the current increased shipping cost of twenty dollars per set, Jack informed Joseph of the situation and required to incur the extra cost of shipping through a certified letter. Nevertheless, Jack delivered the goods to Joseph without Joseph’s response. Before the court of law, the two men have their legal rights to be owned. According to the law, Joseph has a right to receive the goods as far as the contract is concerned. Since he had paid for the goods, he can choose to receive them since he is the legal owner of the goods. He can reject the supplied goods because of the damages. The law of the contract stated clearly that Joseph would receive quality and quantity goods as required, but some goods were damaged on the way. Therefore, Joseph had a right to reject the goods. He is also entitled to examining the TV sets to ascertain if they conform to the contract. It is clearly stated in the law of sale of goods that a buyer has a right to examine the delivered goods before accepting them. Moreover, he has a right to sue Jack for losses incurred and dishonoring of the contract. The second shipping of TV sets delivered damaged goods, which is against the contract and result to the breach of the same contract. On the other hand, Jack as a seller has a number of rights. First, he has a right to be paid the amount of money as it was agreed failure to which he can sue Joseph. He has a right to be indemnified for the cost incurred to preserve the TV sets sold for the buyer, immediately after the ownership has passed to latter. He stated well that the cost of shipping TV sets increased by twenty dollars per set. Therefore, according rights of the seller, Joseph is liable to incur the expenses, failure to which he can be sued. Lastly, it is Jack’s legal right to stop the movement of the TV sets when Joseph has failed, and the cost has been paid accordingly. At first, it was a right of Jack not to ship the TV sets because Joseph remained silent even after

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Db3 2 training and development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Db3 2 training and development - Research Paper Example In their article, â€Å"New Developments Concerning Negligent Training†, they describe age and pay among various types of discrimination that are important to employers. Issues of hiring and firing concepts, which have been controversial in terms of employment, have also been discussed. Three cases regarding sexual harassment as a form of discrimination have been taken up. They conclude by saying that employers must keep track of labor laws and how they can adapt themselves to the changes. Employers should focus on reducing the risks of negligent training. The best method of limiting exposure is by educating managers. They should be made aware about the implications of their actions (legal or otherwise), and should hence set high standards of professionalism for themselves while dealing with employees. Disciplinary action against or discharge of employees should be done keeping the privacy and dignity of employees in mind. The document flow and the number of current employees with whom a discharged employee has contact should be minimized. Procedures should be in place for a suitable time and place for a discharge to take place. The procedure for recruitments should be centralized. If the number of interviewers is minimized, the scope for exaggeration on the part of prospective employees can be lessened. Hence, the terms and conditions regarding the work in the organization should be spelt out by one single

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Point of Care Testing Clinical Issues Assignment

Point of Care Testing Clinical Issues - Assignment Example The victims are majorly the young and part of the adult population. This problem is relevant in the world of healthcare service provision. The reason for its relevance is the fact that its ever-increasing prevalence and incidence rates warrant immediate clinical intervention. Therefore, to get rid of the health complications brought about by obesity, and to counter the prevalence of the problem, the appropriate healthcare action must be taken (Hain & Kear, 2015). EBP is an analytical and problem solving-approach on matters pertaining to healthcare. The approach is based on evidence or proof that is obtained from the analysis of available patient records or results from previous studies. This is a procedural process that must involve the relevant clinical expertise and the patients’ preferences. There are seven basic steps in the EBP clinical problem-solving approach.This is the initial step of the EBP. It involves the medical practitioners being persistently inquisitive. The questions that require answers are formulated because they are the basis of the impending problem. In this case, the identified problem is obesity among the American population. The series of questions keep the healthcare personnel aware of diverse ways of dealing with the problem and how to improve their practice to ensure that the desired results are obtained. Therefore, some of the possible questions, in this case, would be: A PICOT question structure is composed five questioning formats. Questions are formulated based on the population dynamics like age, Intervention, comparison with other interventions, the outcome of the intervention and the timeframe. For instance, the focus here is on obesity. The relevant PICO question format may appear in a set of specific sentence structures since the events are interrelated. Therefore, the question would be; among obese adults and children in America (P), does the regulation of eating habits and the choice of food (I) compared to the banning of junk food (C) have any effect reduction of the prevalence of obesity (O). The question follows the PICO format and addresses all the relevant measures leveled against the obesity outlining the affected individuals (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2011).

Friday, August 23, 2019

Vaccination of children. The importance of parents need to vaccinate Research Paper

Vaccination of children. The importance of parents need to vaccinate their children - Research Paper Example Vaccination of children. The importance of parents need to vaccinate their children According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), â€Å"Vaccinations not only protect children from developing a potentially serious disease but also protect the community by reducing the spread of infectious disease†. Vaccination can help children for the growth of their immunization system. Children during their developmental stages are vulnerable to many diseases. They may not possess adequate resistive power to counter the attacks of diseases during their infancy or early childhood period. Many children forced to suffer death before the introduction of the practice of vaccination of children. Diseases like diphtheria, small pox, measles, polio etc can cause immense problems to the children during their early developmental stages. After the introduction of vaccination for child diseases like polio, small pox, diphtheria, measles etc started to decrease or disappear from the world. In other words, vaccination of children saved millions of lives since its introduction. Today, in most of the countries vaccination of children against dreadful diseases starts immediately after the birth itself. Periodical vaccination against different diseases may continue till the child reaches his/her 15 or 16 year s of age. In short, vaccination of children can save millions of lives and therefore the parents should give more attention to the periodical vaccination of their children. This paper analyses the importance of child vaccination. Importance of Child Vaccination Up through the early 1920's, diphtheria was one of the most dreaded childhood diseases in the United States, killing over 10,000 people every year. We started vaccinating children against diphtheria in the 1930's and 40's, and today it is rare for a doctor even to see a case of diphtheria. In 1962, the year before measles vaccine was introduced; almost 500,000 cases of measles were reported in the U.S. In 1998 and 1999, only about 100 measles cases were reported each year. Until the middle of the 20th Century, smallpox was one of the most devastating diseases the world has ever known. In 1967, the World Health Organization declared war on smallpox with an intensive, worldwide vaccination campaign. Twelve years later, smallpox was wiped out - gone from the Earth forever. Parents in the 1950's were terrified as polio paralyzed children by the thousands. Now the fight against polio is nearly won, and soon it will join smallpox as nothing but a bad memory (Vaccinations for Children, Why and When, 2011) The above statistics clearly show the importance of vaccination of children. It should be noted that some of the serious diseases which hunted human for a long time, is under control at present, only because of the development of child vaccination system. It is necessary to vaccinate babies using a baby vaccination schedule. This vaccination schedule normally starts immediately after birth itself. Today, medical science has a vaccination schedule for babies and the strict observance of this schedule can help the babies to resist the attack of dreadful diseases. The normal vaccination schedule of a child is given below. AGE VACCINES Birth BCG, OPV, Hepatitis B 6 weeks DTP, OPV+IPV, Hepatitis B, Hib, PCV 10 wee ks DTP, OPV+IPV, Hib, PCV 14 weeks DTP, OPV+IPV, Hepatitis B, Hib, PCV 9 months Measles 1 year Varicella 15 months MMR, PCV Booster 16 months Hib Booster 18 months DTP Booster, OPV+IPV Booster 2 years

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Essay Example for Free

Organisational Behaviour Essay Question One. From the case study, we can learn a lot. It ranges from leadership, management, work ethics, behaviour shaping and changing to the impact of positive and negative reinforcements in organisations. Managing of creative workers, recognition of opportunities and problems, unethical strategies and tactics, team building and networking among others are aspects that can be learned from the case study (Robinsen 2000). We can also learn from the study that Godot applied an autocratic or authoritative style of leadership. He could not listen to any of his workers, he could not open any avenue of communication and consultation with his workers and could not involve the workers in decision making. All he could do was to haul insults at them instead of actively involving them in the day to day running of the restaurant. It is important to treat workers in a good way if any positive results are to be realised (Simons 2003). The first genesis to doing so is to implement ways and methods that would boost the morale of workers. Good leadership and management skills are essential to any organisation. Good work ethics and behaviour should be instilled to the workers so that they can deliver good results with very minimal supervision (Haddock 2001). Abuses and insults are not supposed to be used at the work place as they even tend to scare away sensitive customers and other business people. Leaders and managers should learn new ways and methods of improving workers’ efficiency and results. Organisations that deploy such ways and methods, have proved to stand ahead of others (Wharton 1996). Question Two. There are several negative and positive reinforcements, punishment and extinctions that were used by Godot and the customers in shaping of the employees’ behaviour. Positive reinforcements included the dedication and industriousness of Godot. This is positive in that it helps the workers as they are able to emulate what Godot stands for. Through dedication and hard work, the restaurant was able to stand the test of time. This was an inspiration to the workers. Another positive reinforcement was that of the customers. The customers would appreciate the work done by Diane and compliment her efficient services. This would give her morale to work even harder and efficiently knowing that her services were good. There are also negative reinforcements. They can be seen mainly from Godot’s attitude and way of doing certain things. He was a man prone to emotional outbursts. He could yell and shout at his workers whenever something went wrong or whenever he could not see what he expected of them. This is negative in that it instilled a sense of fear to the workers and always made them nervous (Bringsrud 2004). This makes someone not to perform to the expected standards, His lack of compliment to his workers is also a negative reinforcement (Myers 1997). He did not appreciate anything good but was so quick at condemning and demonising anything he felt was not right. A good employer needs to give credit where it belongs. This is a way of encouraging and giving morale to the workers (Simons 2003). Godot could not see anything good in it. All he could do was merely grunt at Diane even when she said hello or goodbye. Such attributes do not befit a good employer. Punishment was in the form of fining his workers whenever something went wrong. When Diane dropped a plate of bouillabaisse appetiser, she was scorned at and fined a total of $24. 95. This punishment demoralised her to the extend of affecting her performance. Her earnings from tips dropped from a one time top of 23 percent to a meager 15 percent. This was as a result of reducing the pace at which she worked in order to prevent any other incidences from happening. From this, one can easily tell that the punishment imposed on her was too much and she could not risk losing the amount any more. Such a negative reinforcement does not add any value to the business but instead it demoralizes the workers thus reducing the pace of working (Wharton 1996:8). As a result, the customers end up waiting for long and some might give up and leave. This turns out to affect the restaurant adversely. Godot as an employer has various ways of improving or shaping the behaviour of his employees. One of the ways is by introducing packages that are employee friendly and putting in place certain measures that would improve the performance of his employees instead of using ruthless methods such as imposing of huge fines and punishment to the workers. Such methods could include appreciating what the workers do and also ones in a while complimenting the efforts made. Diane would have been appreciated in various ways and by so doing, her morale would have been boosted thus making her work extra hard and as a result winning more customers. Employers need to realise that social responsibility and leadership in organisations and businesses for that matter are very vital aspects (Haddock 2001:475). Workers depend on employers and employers depend on workers too. This is a mutual relationship which should be upheld in all cases. This should be realised by both the parties in order for the business to perform to the expectations. Question Three. The reinforcements and punishment mentioned in question two have both positive and negative impact on Diane’ behaviour. Inasmuch as the punishment imposed on Diane would seem to be on the extreme, it could be viewed as positive in some ways. Being careful at the job place is extremely important. When Diane dropped the plate of appetiser, she was fined heavily by Godot. This made her promise to be more careful than ever before so that she could not get herself in the same mistake again. This instills a sense of discipline and responsibility to the workers (McTagart 2003). The strict nature of Godot, his dedication and industriousness was a lesson for Diane. Her behaviour would be influenced by such reinforcements. She would learn to be dedicated and more independent in future. Her pace of doing things would also improve as she was used to doing tasks at a very fast rate. This obviously is a positive change to her behaviour. On the other hand, Godot’s lack of compliment and appreciation would affect her behaviour too. This will make her feel left out, unwanted and also feel like her services are not worth. If Godot had behaved differently in this case, Diane would have learned from the same and applied it elsewhere. In any organisation, behavioural shaping and change is very important. Every employee should feel like part of the team in order for there to be teamwork and tangible results (Moir 1999). The lack of appreciation and compliment changed Diane’s way and pace of doing the job. It made her slow down thus affecting the job she was doing. The emphasis of Godot on the importance of working as a team is seen as a positive gesture of behavioural shaping. If an employee was hired and he/she did not appreciate the importance of working as a team, he/she would learn from Godot’s vision and his way of doing things, thus shaping ones behaviour (Stuart 2003). Question Four. The effectiveness of hourly pay rates and tips as a way of reinforcing desired behaviours could go either way, that is, it could either be positive or negative depending on the outcome and the intention of the method. Hourly pay rates in most cases is the method that most employees prefer (Hufman 2002:49). This is because one gets paid depending on their efforts. If one inputs more effort in the job he/she is paid more than that who inputs less. The principle ideally is ‘more effort more pay, less effort less pay’. This is not just an advantage to the employees only but also to the employers (Godwin 2001). If an employee does more, the employer also gets more in returns. Hourly pay has proved to be the best way of dealing with both the employers and the employees. One could work for a certain period of time and get doing something else including attending lectures and lessons. This method does not tie someone to one thing. One becomes flexible enough to the extend of even doing more than one job. Tips are also a good way of reinforcing desired results and behaviours (Borer et al 2000). Tips make a worker work extremely fast and with dedication. How much one takes home at the end of the day, week or month depends on the person’s zeal of work. Just like hourly pay, tips benefit both the employee and the employer. For instance, if an employee makes 20 percent of the total amount of money, it definitely goes without saying that the employer must have bagged the 80 percent. It is therefore important that the mode and way of payment as per the contract is obeyed by the two parties involved. Reinforcing of behaviour could be done in different ways, hourly pay rates and tips being one of the ways. Such a method makes the employee work under certain rules and conditions as deemed fit by the employer. Work for three hours, do not break anything, get your pay and tips and leave. This is normally the motto of such methods. Some employees are too careless and lazy to the extend that they do not care about what happens in the event that loses are incurred. The only way to check them and put them on toes in by introducing the hourly pay rates and tips. This is meant to give the employer the opportunity of maximising his/her time at the job place. In the extract, Godot decides to introduce such a method in order to cushion himself against the lazy workers who might think that they can just get to the hotel, work anyhow and get away with it. This is not Godot’s way of working. He believes in workers earning what they worked for. If you work hard you get more. If you just lazy around, you are bound to get very little. Diane had to work hard so that she could save something substantial for her use ones she went back to school. To her, a table waiting job was what she could do instead of just staying at home during summer. She thought that she could make some money and improve on her University life, actually change her diet. Her hard work would fetch her upto 23 percent on tips and $15. 0 per hour. She had set targets that she wanted to meet. Her ability to work fast and efficiently earned her the percentage she had targeted on tips. This plus her hourly pay was enough to take care of her University needs after summer. This method of tips encouraged her to work hard. Had it been a flat rate pay on tips, Diane would not have worked as hard as she did. This meant that Godot also made a lot of money in the process. Fur thermore, Godot spelt out clearly what he wanted for his restaurant. He had a vision for his restaurant and insisted on the importance of working as a team in order to deliver good services to his customers. It is on the basis of this too that Diane decided that she would put in her best to prove how good she could be. Conclusion. From the case study, it is very clear that something has to be done in most organisations regarding work ethics and behaviour. Employers subject their workers to unfavourable working conditions and all they care about is there well being and not that of the workers (Huberman 1994). Workers in such organisations end up persevering such conditions with the aim of just making ends meet in their lives. This could be clearly seen from Diane’s case. She had to persevere for the purposes of making money but did not enjoy working under such conditions. Workers should enjoy doing their work and this can only be made conducive by the input of the employers (Benstin 1995). Organisational behaviour is a topic of discussion that leaves many employers and employees looking for ways and methods of dealing with the issue.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ridley Scot on Bladerunner and Frankenstein Essay Example for Free

Ridley Scot on Bladerunner and Frankenstein Essay Interviewer: Ridley Scot, thank you for taking the time to talk to us about your movie Blade Runner. It is quite an interesting film that raises a lot of issues and certainly makes us as an audience think and question out morality and our values. Ridley Scot: Well any great movie or film should indeed raise awareness to present day issues don’t you think? Interviewer: Indeed they should. And is that what you felt you should do with Bladerunner is raise awareness to the issues that you felt are predominant at the time? In watching Bladerunner I couldn’t help but notice the scope of the issues that you presented to the audience from environmental, personal, and political. The list goes on, so why did you choose to play upon these issues and fears? Ridley Scot: Those are ones that are close to my heart, being raised in a world where I was confronted daily by the fears of others in society in regards to war of nuclear weapons and the effect these would have on the environment and on humanity. I was constantly imagining all of the various scenarios that could arise due to such weapons of mass destruction being used, But also the wonders and fears of space exploration, the search for other life forms and the search for another planet that we as humans could utilise. Well it left me wondering. Why do we need another planet? Is it because of the fear of this one being destroyed due to war or was it just out of greed? Interviewer: So I’m guessing that the reasoning behind the environment in which you chose to stage Bladerunner. The post apocalyptic like environment with dim lighting and long dark shadows being cast, It certainly magnifies the fear of destruction. Not to mention those massive buildings sticking up into the sky and the dirty streets Ridley Scot: ah yes the shadows. The directors and I worked long and hard on creating that feeling of darkness and gloom. I wanted it to feel like the end of the world, and to show the destruction of the environment so what better way to do that than with a dirty city with no trees and little sunshine. Interviewer: In watching that it really becomes evident your fear of the environment being neglected in pursuit of science and greed, much like Mary Shelley, Author of Frankenstein. Many of her issues that she chose to place emphasis on were the battle between nature or science. Do you feel that this may have been partly the reasoning behind your choice in lighting, set and issues raised.. Ridley Scot: In some ways yes. Mary and I do share many of the same ideas and I was inspired by her writing when filming Bladerunner. I guess we both wanted to raise awareness to the issues of our times. I feel the one that we both shared and placed high emphasis on would be science and humanity. Interviewer: The great battle between the two. Do you think it is possible to find a balance between them? Ridley Scot: Whether it is possible or not I’m still not sure but I wanted to point out the dangers in taking one too far and disregarding the other. In Frankenstein the problem is Victors and Walton’s greed and obsession with science, much the same as in my movie. The pursuit of science and technology led to the destruction of the world and the disregard of humans. Interviewer: What do you mean by that? Ridley Scot: The creation of the beings, not quite human yet more human than humans themselves. In the pursuit of science the disregard for humanity, emotions and feelings led to the creation of replicants that were hollow to an extent. They were designed for no purpose other than to serve. Interviewer: Human greed Ridley scot: exactly yet in the pursuit to always reach beyond what has already been accomplished they created Rachel, who had emotions and feelings so human Interviewer: That even Deckard couldn’t tell she wasn’t a replicant. Ridley scot: That was a very important thing to show, how human she was despite being a replicant. What better way to show this than with camera angles? The conventions of film noir that I wanted to utilise here were the close up and zooming of her face in response to questions Deckard asked her and the use of film recording instruments to look into her eyes. We all know eyes are the gateway to the soul. Interviewer: But she is a replicant, they aren’t supposed to be human, contain emotion or have a soul? Ridley scot: Ah you see but I believe a soul does not actually determine humanity, in the end isn’t Rachel more human than many of the humans themselves? Much like the creature in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, only she cannot use film to show this Interviewer: No but thankfully being raised in the romantic era and writing with influence of Romanticism Mary wrote with such expressive language, and her literary influences being included into the creatures own readings was brilliant in creating the human emotions within the creature himself. Ridley scot: I was inspired by her descriptive writing. How she could get so much across without pages and pages of dialogue. I felt that if I could do the same with Bladerunner through cinematic techniques then it would be more efficient in getting my messages across to the audience. That’s why in intense scenes, like that of the Death of Zhora there is no dialogue just raw emotions. Interviewer: The raw emotions are evident. The slow motion camera angles as she smashes through the glass is so powerful the pain on her face is evident as she gets shot and it sends shivers down my spine. Ridley Scot: The slow motion in this scene was very important. If it went to fast then the magnitude of the scene would be lost so we slowed it all down and the dark, sad, melodic music to the scene as well to provoke more feelings out of the audience. We chose to use a lot of glass to reflect the magnitude of various colours. All of this at once adds for a vary disjointed fragile environment Interviewer: again more styles and conventions of film noir Ridley scot: Well those conventions really helped to heighten the emotions within this scene, Interviewer: And the camera cuts between the two of them, watching Deckard’s Determination to kill Zhora and Zhora’s determination to survive. Ridley Scot: It certainly makes you question doesn’t it? After this pursuit of science and the disregard for humanity, nature, and the change in beliefs and values in the creation of these replicants who are not supposed to show emotions or feeling- Such important aspects of humanity. who in this scene ends up showing the most humanity? Interviewer: I guess we all have to take a moment to think and reassess our values now don’t we. Thankyou Ridley for taking the time to speak with us about your inspirations and intentions behind Bladerunner, It has been a pleasure.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Amazon Web Services Aws Computer Science Essay

Amazon Web Services Aws Computer Science Essay Amazon Web Services is a collection of  web services that together make up a  cloud computing  platform, offered over the Internet by   AWS or Amazon Web service is a suite of products used for hosting that aims to take the trouble out of traditional hosting solutions. Dropbox , Reddit and many other services use Amazon web Service. AWS isnt just used for storage, It can also be used to host a couple of servers  on AWS and quite efficiently too. It can be used host a large scale of applications such as a backend program for an iPhone application or a large server for a banking industry. The below Image shows the services provided by Amazon Web Services The reasons why we have chosen amazon web service as opposed to its competitors are listed below. 1. Flexibility The most important feature of the Amazon Web Service is the flexibility it gives to its user. All the service hosted work and communicate together with the application to automatically judge demand and handle the work accordingly. The making use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provided by Amazon and the Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) we create, we can have a solution which is completely customized and one that provisions a server instance in less than ten minutes, and is ready to accept connections once it comes online. The instances can then be quickly shut down when they are no longer needed, making server management at the easiest ever. It also provides the Auto Scaling and Load Balancing features which enhances the flexibility of Amazon Web Service. 2. Performance The AWS is the fastest among the entire service provider available. The Elastic Block Storage (EBS) is nearly as fast as S3, but provides different features. EC2 Compute Units provides Xeon-class performance to the user at an hourly rate. The reliability is better with Amazon Web service than most other private datacenters in the world, and if there is a problem in the server, youre always still online, but with reduced capacity. An example of this is the recent outage that happened in the Northern Virginia cluster of AWS, one of Amazons primary datacenter farms in the United States. It affected Reddit,, and several other major sites which had used Amazon Web Service. These sites were still online but in a read-only mode, as Amazon had to shut down writing to their backend storage until they could resolve the problem. In a traditional hosting environment, this probably would have meant a longer downtime and 404 errors (Page not found) as the websites would have stopped responding. But in a truly cloud-hosted environment like AWS, theres enough separation between processing and storage that sites can remain online and continue generating revenue even with reduced functionality. But the primary performance power of Amazon Web Service is in the storage. The distributed nature of Elastic Block Storage (EBS) and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) yields millions of inputs and output operations per second to all its instances. Imagine of it like having a raid array of Solid State Drives on a particular computer with incredible bandwidth, and you have a storage system which is capable of vast scaling, with an approximate reliability of 99.999999999%. 3. Pay for what you use Pricing The pricing policy used by Amazon Web Service is very different from most of the other service providers. Every service provided by Amazon Web Service is a la carte, meaning you pay for what you use. This makes it very useful for server infrastructure, when the traffic is very bursty, especially when the site is large. Consider a scenario when you need to develop an application to showcase it at an event for a very short duration of time. If we were to use a traditional service provider we would be tied up to a year contract but using amazon web service we pay for what we use, and also we pay for the CPU usage and not by the duration alone. This way the user does not have to worry about the performance as the AWS Auto scaling would create a new Instance and balance the load. 4. The Free Tier The free tier provided by AWS on user registration, provides enough credit for a user to run an EC2 micro instance 24/7 all month. It comes with Simple Storage Service, EC2 compute hours, Elastic Load Balancer time, and much more. This gives developers a chance to try out Amazon Web Services Application Programming Interface in the software they develop, which not only enhances their software, but also ties them to Amazon which would benefit Amazon in the long run. 5. Deployment Speed The biggest difficulty in developing an application is in during the deployment of the application. Traditional service providers take somewhere from 48-96 hours to provision a server. Then the developer needs to spend an extra few hours tweaking it and getting everything tested. Amazon Web Services shrinks that deployment time to minutes. By making use of the Amazon Machine Images, we can have a machine deployed and ready to accept connections in a very short amount of time. This is important when, for example, we are running a promotion that generates heavy traffic at certain specific intervals of time, or when flexibility is required to handle the demand when a new product is released. Competitor Comparison: Company Specification Computing Category Iaas Iaas Control Interface Web Based Application/Control Panel Web Based Application/Control Panel Application Programming Interface Application Programming Interface Command Line Graphical User Interface Guaranteed Network Availability 99.999% 100% Pricing Information Subscription Type Use Based and Subscription Plans Use Based Pricing Information Inbound Bandwidth Price 0 Cents 0 Cents Outbound Bandwidth Price 12 Cents per GB Used 10 Cents per GB Used Base Plan Cost $0.08 per hour $0.02 per hour Base Plan Details 1.7GB RAM, 160GB local storage, 1 EC2 Compute Unit 512 MB RAM, 1 vCPU, 10 GB DISK 2 cents/hour Features Free Support Not Available Yes but Limited Free Security Features Advanced Firewall Critical Data Privacy Custom/Secure Permissions Failover Features Advanced email/password Security Advanced Firewall Failover Features Persistency Snapshot Backup Paid Security Features Advanced Firewall Critical Data Privacy Data Encryption Intrusion Detection Persistency Snapshot Backup Backup Storage Snapshot Backup Auto scaling Yes, Free Yes, Free Load Balancing Yes, With Charge Yes, Free Monitoring Yes, Free Not Available Virtual Private Servers Yes, With a charge Yes, With a charge Root Access Yes Yes File Hosting Service Yes, With a charge Web Hosting Service No Yes, Free Compatibility Compatible Operating Systems Cent OS 5.4 Debian Fedora Gentoo Linux Open Solaris OpenSUSE Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux SUSE Linux Oracle Enterprise Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Ubuntu Linux Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008 Cent OS Debian Fedora 11 Linux Operating Systems OpenSUSE Linux Red Hat 5.1 Ubuntu Linux Windows Server 2008 Processor 32 Bit and 64 Bit 64 Bit Programming Languages Supported Java PHP Python Ruby The cloud computing provider offers root access to the servers, all the programming languages are supported by the provider. WinDev The cloud computing provider offers root access to the servers, all the programming languages are supported by the provider.

Depression Essay example -- Health, Depressed Individuals

Certain practical issues need to be considered by the clinician during the assessment of MDD, (Dozois & Dobson, 2009). Depressed individuals tend to express their problems in a detailed manner when they are aware of what is expected from them during initial phase of assessment. Warning depressed clients about the possible interruptions at the initial phase along with providing them rationale helps to improve the effectiveness of the assessment (Dozois & Dobson, 2009). As depressed individuals tend to commit cognitive bias (Dozois & Beck, 2008), it is necessary to determine the actual impairment by evaluating patient’s daily routine in terms of different areas of functioning. Each diagnostic criteria needs to be addressed in number of ways (Shea, 1988). Sometimes, the patient describe their symptoms in more idiosyncratic way. So, the clinician needs to translate those concerns in to the nosological system (Dozois & Dobson, 2009). Bolland & Keller (2009) emphasize the need to assess the number of previous episodes and their duration because this information is one the predictor for risk of subsequent relapse (Solomon et al, 2000). Dozois & Dobson (2009) have reported to rely upon information related to previous episode carefully as the client may commit the reporting bias. The reporting bias can be reduced by ensuring that the patient understands the time frame to which he or she refers (Dozois & Dobson, 2009) and providing contextual cues to the patient’s memory (Shea, 1988). The information related to previous treatments, medical history, patient’s motivation for change, etc. may help in identifying resources for change (Dozois & Dobson, 2009). It is also helpful to assess client’s strengths which will help in formulating... ...owever, if Medical conditions worsens the symptoms of depression, then mood disorder is diagnosed as MDD and medical condition is listed on Axis III of the DSM-IV-TR( APA, 2000a). It is difficult to differentiate between depression and dementia (Gualtieri and Johnson, 2008), but certain differences can be noted among two (Dozois and Dobson, 2009). For example, recent memory is more effected in depression than remote memory; such symptoms are not prominent in dementia (Dozois and Dobson, 2009). Conclusion: For the accurate assessment of MDD, the clinician should not rely upon results obtained from one psychometric instrument. Rather, he or she should try to integrate information obtained from multiple sources to get the holistic picture of patient. The clinicians also needs to consider above mentioned practical issues while making assessment related to MDD.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Government and Politics - Cultural Purification and Discriminatory English Only Laws :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Cultural Purification and Discriminatory English Only Laws With continued diversity, stemming from immigration into the United States, the languages spoken here are continually transforming. Cultural misunderstandings and a lack of education on multi-lingualism have caused injustices inflicted on entire groups of people. Historical ideologies on what a "pure" American language should be has resulted in discriminatory "English Only" laws and other programs aimed at "cleansing" the American culture. The language debate can perhaps be traced to John Adams' proposal to the Continental Congress in 1780. The nation at that time was very culturally diverse. "It was commonplace to hear as many as twenty languages spoken in daily life" (ACLU). Adams however, made a proposal to the Continental Congress that would significantly effect this diversity. His call to, "purify, develop, and dictate", usage of the English language would have placed stringent restriction on the employment of any other languages beside English. Another of our Founding Father's myopic views on language and culture, discriminated against the German immigrants in the United States at the time. Benjamin Franklin, in the middle 1700's, feared the German influence could, "supersede Anglo supremacy, not only in language, but in terms of culture and political values" (NCBE). Thomas Jefferson espoused similar worries in 1803, in regard to the French in the Louisiana Territories. The prevailing view each of these Founding Fathers held was fear, propelled only by opinions that the immigrants would not be able to understand, and therefore not promote, "American values". The middle to late 1800's, saw other immigrant groups face like discrimination. The Know-Nothing Party, which was started in the 1850's, upheld anti-Catholic and anti-immigrant views. This ultimately led to language restrictions being placed on them. Due to English literary requirements, Chinese immigrants were, "attacked, barred from employment, disqualified from owning land, not allowed to vote" (NCBE). Laws restricting use of German in many public schools were also passed. One's culture and ideas becomes apparent through language. The distrustful leaders at the time though, were fearful of anything other than "pure American values", and language therefore became the avenue by which they chose to promote this purity. These historical efforts to "cleanse" the American language have no doubt contributed to feelings on language purification by politicians today. The effect of our nation's history of cultural ignorance has led to the creation of proposals that are damaging to those not yet proficient in the English language.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Causes Of The Great Depression Essay -- American History

Between the late 1890’s, after the panic of 1893, and the late 1920’s, the American people led good lives in which most prospered. In the 1920’s the problems that led to the Great Depression were dispersed over a time of maldistribution of wealth, and what was called a bull market. A bull market is a stock market that is based on speculation. Speculation was a system of borrowing money to buy stocks and selling for a profit. Speculation only worked if the stock market was on the rise though. To this day people who have not been properly educated about the Great Depression believe that President Hoover was the cause. The idea that President Herbert Hoover caused the Depression could have arisen from the fact that he was the President at the time the Depression began. However, the people who do not believe that President Hoover was the cause deem the crash of the stock market in 1929 as the real culprit. The truth behind the stock market crash is that it was the ev ent that caused the already unstable economy to go over the limit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If the president and the stock market crash did not cause the Great Depression, then what did? According to research done on the Great Depression, the causes rest on of different factors, but can be put under two main categories. The responsibility for the Great Depression falls not only on the Stock Market Crash, but also on the maldistribution of wealth, an unstable economy and the wild stock market practices of the 1920’s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The largest reason for the growing gap between the rich and the working-class people was the sudden increase in manufacturing during the 1920’s. The people of the working class were significantly increasing their output, but their wages only increased slightly. For example, the average worker out put from 1923-1929 increased about 32%, but the average income of the worker only increased about 8% (Gusmorino, Main Causes of the Great Depression). Therefore one may conclude that wages only increased one-fourth the amount production increased. Another amazing feat of the manufacturing increase was that prices for goods stayed the same, therefore the executives in the companies were keeping the mass amounts of profit that were now coming into the company. In fact, one can see that top executives in a certain company increased significantly because their salaries from 1923-1929 rose 64% (Gusmorino, Main Cau... ...cantly, and investors began selling quickly. On the following Tuesday and Wednesday the prices began to stabilize. Then on Thursday, October 24, stock prices fell hard and even the biggest investors gave up on the market and sold their stocks. On the following Tuesday the stock market fell and the market was not able to get back up. This day is forever known as â€Å"Black Tuesday,† and the official start of the Great Depression. The speculation and the resulting stock market crash acted as the trigger for the already unstable United States economy. Due to the maldistribution of wealth and the unstable economy of the 1920’s, the nation headed into a decade of trouble. In response to its economic difficulties, the United States set up even higher trade barriers with other nations, causing more trouble within the nation. Many of the working class lost their jobs, and since these people did not have savings, they were in big trouble. Unemployment grew to 13 million by 1932 as the country quickly spiraled into a catastrophe. The Great Depression had begun due to the maldistribution of wealth, a bad economy based on over confidence, and the irresponsible erratic of the â€Å"bull† stock market.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gothic and Romanesque Cathedrals

The Romanesque style transformed into the Gothic style during the Middle Ages. This happened for many reasons. The Romanesque period was a time of trial and error while the Gothic period was a time of advancements in inventions. Religion was an important factor in the shift between Romanesque and Gothic. The locations of the two types of cathedrals also contributed toward the change between Romanesque and Gothic, as well as the power of the relics and the community to raise funds for the Gothic cathedrals.There are several reasons the architecture of the cathedral changed from Romanesque to Gothic in the Middle Ages. The Romanesque period lasted from 1000 to 1200 AD. Today's France was the center of Romanesque architecture and the birthplace of one of the most beutiful features of medieval architecture, the ambulatory with radiating chapels. â€Å"Romanesque is the name we give to christian architecture in Western Europe from the end of the Roman Empire to about the close of the twe lfth century. Prevalent from the 9th through 12th centuries CE, Romanesque architecture combined the influences of Roman and Byzantine styles.The style was named, in the 1800s, because one of its key features, the barrel vault, resembled the classical Roman arch. The use of barrel vaults allowed for huge interior spaces built entirely of stone. But that also meant the roofs were extremely heavy, so the walls had to be tremendously thick to prevent buckling. Strong walls also meant fewer windows, so the insides of Romanesque churches often look dim and feel like fortresses. Gothic architecture began in the mid-12th century with the intention of making churches look like heaven: soaring, colorful, and bright.The biggest difference from the preceeding Romanesque style was the use of flying buttresses. These support structures or towers, set off from the main walls and attached by arches, and displaced the pressure from the roof outward. Essentially, this meant the buildings could get t aller, walls could get thinner, and there could be a lot of windows, which were often stained glass. Gothic churches have huge, ornate, petaled round windows called rose windows. They also are much pointier than their Romanesque predecessors, with pointed arches and tall spires (instead of blunt towers) characterizing the style.

Friday, August 16, 2019

The US Acid Rain Program Environmental Sciences Essay

When we look around us we see that there has been a rapid addition in the figure of industries despite the fact that there has been a lessening in the handiness of scarce resources. The Global Gross Domestic Product per capita has addition 6 times since 1900, while in the same clip period the universe & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s population has grown 4 times. Due to increasing planetary demand, the importance of industries in our universe has been on the rise. In order to protect the environment and our universe from being over polluted it is of import that we find cost effectual ways to cut down the degree of pollution. The Acid Rain plan was initiated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) in the 1990s to cut down the degree of S dioxide and N oxides, the chief causes of acerb rain. This plan focuses on emanation caps whereby each industry or company is given a certain grant or allowance for the sum of fossil fuels they can fire and if they go over this degree so a heavy mulct of $ 2000 per ton would be imposed. The Acid Rain Program was established based on the rules that were set by the Clean Air Act of 1990. The Clean Air Act was implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency in order to cut down the degree of air pollution. The chief purpose of the Acid Rain plan was to cut down the degree of sulfur dioxide in the environment by 10 million dozenss and convey the degree of S dioxide down from 18.9 million dozenss in 1980 to about 8.95 million dozenss in 2000. This was to be done through emanation caps that focused on a lessening in the pollution caused by coal firing power workss. Companies and different industries could purchase the allowances from each other if their ingestion was higher than the allotted quota assigned to them. However, if that was non possible so they had to incur a heavy mulct.Problems Associated with Acid RainPollutants such as S dioxide and azotic oxides are known to be the chief ground behind the cause of acerb rain. It is imperative that in order to cut down acid rain, we decrease the figure of these pollutants. Acid rain is known to do many jobs with the acidification of lakes and rivers being the most outstanding. The lakes in the nor'-east of the United States have been greatly affected by acerb rain. The acidification of lakes leads to angle and works life being destroyed as they can non populate in acerb H2O. As of 2001, in over 100 lakes in Minnesota all the fish have died due to sourness. Apart from fish death, it besides leads to angle non being able to reproduce. These are some of the jobs caused by acid rain which is why it is highly of import to cut down the degree of sulfur dioxide in the environment so we can forestall sourness and protect the marine life. Apart from destructing sea life, acerb rain is known to hold a negative consequence on the trees around the universe. When acid rain occurs, the acerb seeps into the trees therefore forestalling the workss from taking in C dioxide. Due to miss of C dioxide, this leads to the workss non being able to execute photosynthesis which finally leads to workss deceasing. Germany has been greatly affected where in 1983, 34 % of braid were damaged by acid rain. Acid rain besides affects us in many ways. Breathing and lung jobs that affect kids and grownups is caused by acerb rain. Due to acid rain, every twelvemonth in the US there are 550 premature deceases and 1520 exigency room visits. This shows that it is of import to cut down acid rain as it has adversely affected the environment and the ambiance around us. [ Good background ; could spread out ] The Clean Air Act was introduced in 1963 by the United States Congress to cut down air pollution on a national degree. It was the first environmental jurisprudence that was introduced by the United States. Over the old ages at that place have been amendments and alterations made to the Clean Air Act based on the environmental jeopardies that have affected our environment such as acerb rain. A outstanding amendment was made in 1990 to take the effects of acerb rain into consideration. In the Clean Air Act of 1990, the alterations that were put into consequence were related to emanations merchandising whereby companies or workss were given inducements if they reduced pollution in this instance S dioxide, there were proviso made for ozone depletion and toxic air pollution. Apart from this, a new gasolene reformulation demand was besides set in order to command and at the same clip cut down the evaporative emanation from gasolene. The Acid Rain plan as mentioned above was implemented in order to diminish the sum of S dioxide in the environment. In order for this to go on, the jurisprudence that was to be imposed based on the Clean Air Act of 1990 was a two stage jurisprudence. Since the aim of cut downing sulfur dioxide could non be attained in one goes, it was broken down into two stages:Phase 1The Acid Rain plan allocated allowances based on a annual footing and the figure of allocated units was based on a method that was used by the EPA. The first stage of the two stage plan was from 1995 to 1999. The footing on which allowances or emanation caps were distributed was on the mean fuel ingestion that was used by companies from 1985 to 1987. The British thermic unit transition rate of 2.5 lbs of S dioxide per million lbs of fuel burnt was used. A major drawback of this stage was that many workss found it easy to obtain excess allowances. This could be done by through auctions where the allowances were sold to the bidder with the highest monetary value. Many workss that were allocated allowances in Phase 1 were allocated a much higher allowance than the sum they required. The EPA did this so that all the workss could fall in the plan as they had nil to lose. Firms would experience that there is no hazard involved in fall ining the plan which is why they would choose to be a portion of it. In 1995, the initial allotment was to be 5,550,231 allowances for 445 workss. Firms were awarded excess allowances for every excess ton of S dioxide they reduced beyond the bound imposed on them. The extra allowances that were granted to houses in 1995 were 3,193,850. The stage 1 of the Acid Rain Program was to last a period of 5 old ages. Many workss and houses took advantage of the excess allowances that could be granted and due to this the entire figure of allowances in 1999 was 16,618,112 which showed that houses were willing to aline themselves with the plan. [ Good ]Phase 2Phase 2 was the 2nd portion of the Acid Rain Program that began in the twelvemonth 2000. The sum of allowance that was granted to each works was based on their mean fuel ingestion from 1985 to 1987. The transition rate used this clip was 1.2 lbs of S dioxide per million lbs of fuel burnt. The sum of allowance that was granted to each works was reduced but there was an overall addition in the entire cap as many more workss had entered the plan, an extra 2262 units were made portion of the plan and with the addition in the figure of units, the entire allowance besides increased to 9,966,531 for the twelvemonth 2000. Many units took advantage of the banked allowances that were carried frontward from Phase 1 and this entire amounted to 21,583,540. Despite the entire allowances increasing due to the fact that many new units entered the plan, there was an overall lessening in the emanations granted to each unit. This figure is expected to diminish even more and the purpose of the Acid Rain Program is to cut down the entire sum of emanations to 8.95 million dozenss by 2010. The graph above shows how emanations have been relatively higher than the allowances allocated by the twelvemonth 2000. However at the same clip, the entire allowances that were allocated to each works plus the allowance that was banked is besides greater than the emanations demoing that the sum of the entire available allowance was much higher than required. As stage 2 continued to come on, banked allowances were finally used up and workss began to run the hazard of exceling their emanations bound. Since this carried heavy mulcts, it was imperative that companies that owned these sulfur dioxide breathing workss find a manner to cut down the S dioxide emitted into the environment. Many different methods were presented. Some of the most noteworthy 1s are:TechnologyThere were two chief engineerings available for workss to run into their emanations mark. A scrubber which is besides known as a fluke gas desulfurization system is one manner in which S dioxide could be reduced. This system is known to be really effectual as mentioned by the Environmental Investigation Agency in 1994 that the scrubber system or the flue gas desulfurization system is known to hold an efficiency rate of 85 % to 95 % . When taking a scrubber, companies have a figure of different scrubbers to take from whether it is a dry scrubber which produces a dry by merchandise or a wet scrubber which on the other manus produces a wet merchandise. Another manner in which engineering can be used to cut down S dioxide is by either fuel shift, intermixing or co-firing. Fuel shift is comparatively simple as you merely exchange to another coal that does non breathe S dioxide, blending is when you blend two different types of coal and co-firing is merely utilizing a coal and a fuel and so these two are blended together. It sounds easy when we say that we will merely exchange to a different coal or we will merely intermix two coals that we can happen but the existent issue and job prevarications in taking which coal, natural gas or fuel best suits your works and besides will follow with the demands set by the EPA. It is of import that when you decide to exchange to a another fuel, you use a coal that has a lower S content as non merely will it be better for the environment but it will besides assist you cut down the sum of S in the atmosphere therefore following the emanation cap allocated to you. When blend two types of coal it s of import that you blend high S and a low S coal. This is of import as it becomes easier for the workss to set to a smaller alteration that happens by intermixing two coals instead than fuel shift. Co-firing is besides a method that can be used but is non recommended as it is deemed really expensive.AllowancesAllowance is a method that was really popular during the first st age. As mentioned in the statistics above, we see that the figure of allowances allocated in Phase 1 that lasted from 1995 to 1999 were much higher than expected as EPA wanted many houses to fall in this plan. The fact that many workss were over allocated allowances meant that there was no trading that took topographic point between houses selling allowances to each other as each works had adequate allowance allotted to them. These banked allowances were used in ulterior old ages by workss and at the same clip they were following with the Acid Rain plan.RetirementsRetirement is when a works shuts down and can non be used any more. The workss that tend to utilize this method are still allocated allowances until the Acid Rain plan is integral. These allowances are non used by these workss but are sold back into the market at a monetary value whereby these workss make a net income. Ohio based Acme is an illustration of a works that has retired but is still having allowances that are so ld into the market.Previously installed ControlsSome workss already have an emanation rate that is lower than the others because of equipment or machinery they might hold installed in the yesteryear which reduces the degree of sulfur dioxide emitted into the ambiance. Installing new equipment or controls that cut down the degree of sulfur dioxide in the environment is another manner to follow with the regulations and ordinances set out in the Acid Rain plan by the EPA.DecisionThe Acid Rain plan has a few jobs since its debut but it has besides led to the lessening in S dioxide emanations in the environment. The job with Phase 1 was the complete allotment of allowances. The chief ground behind this was to promote houses to fall in the plan, which had been achieved by the beginning of Phase 2. The banked allowances that could be carried down to the following twelvemonth were an added inducement for companies. By the beginning of 2003, these banked allowances had about been exhausted a nd companies adapted by put ining new engineering and trading emanations. The Acid Rain plan gave companies the pick of taking the option that is cheapest for them, whether it is emissions trading or upgrading to the right engineering. Since its origin in 1970 up to the twelvemonth 2000, this resulted in cost nest eggs of $ 780 million when compared to a method of direct control in which the authorities would each person works precisely how much to cut down and how to make it. Additionally, sulfur dioxide emanations reduced by 4,531,328 dozenss. Harmonizing to the latest information, S dioxide emanations were 8 million dozenss lower in 2010 compared to the degrees they would hold been at if the plan had ne'er been implemented. In add-on $ 122 billion have been saved in footings of lower wellness costs and decreased use of scare resources. All this shows that the U.S Acid Rain plan has been a resonant success. As mentioned above, we see that the execution of the Acid Rain plan by the United States was an enterprise taken by the US in order to cut down the atmospheric degrees of S dioxide in the environment. This plan was a immense success as the end of cut downing sulfur dioxide in the ambiance was achieved. Other states should see this as an chance to follow into the footfalls of the United States. Environmental jeopardies such as acerb rain, air pollution and deforestation have been destructing our environment and it is clip that we do something about it. The Kyoto protocol by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC ) has been really effectual in contending planetary heating and cut downing the degree of nursery gases. The UNFCCC is an international environmental pact and the consequence of acid rain should be brought up at the conference that take topographic point. Acid rain is an environmental jeopardy which should be taken into consideration and be reduced otherwise it can hold inauspicious effects in the close hereafter non merely on marine life but every bit good as human life.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Ethical Challenges and Agency Issues

When an agent finds out that they are going overbudget or over the allotted time limit the most critical element is open communication. With open communication it gives management more advance warning earlier in the budget cycle to make changes that can get the project back on track. The most important element management needs is ample time to make corrections to keep the project on budget and within time constraints. The more time management has the better their chances are of getting the proper resources aligned to get the budget back under control. If the budget issues are due to the client not properly keeping records, the agency could word the contract in a way that allows provisions for adjustments which would enable the agency to form a financial or time resolution with the client. A contract that allows for those types of adjustments limits agency issues and will keep a better working relationship between the two parties. The main issue is deciding what party is responsible or accountable for an overbudget project. If the agency can demonstrate why the budget is off to the client and be able to charge extra for the additional work the agency could delegate more resources to get the project completed in time as well. It is critical for the agency to have open communication between its team members, but it is just as crucial for the agency to be honest with the client as well. The ethical issue that arises with being overbudget is that individual employees don’t want to be penalized or face repercussions for their performance so they delay reporting results to management. When employees are afraid to report shortfalls earlier in the process it can lead to higher costs and major agency issues. The sooner the agent can show the client that planning or reporting issues are occurring they can make vital decisions to get the project back in line. Employees need to objectively think about others involved in their future with the company and client. As long as individuals clarify expectations and apply ethics to a situation it is possible to get a project back on budget. The agency can delegate more resources to an area that needs more manpower or money to get the project completed as promised to the client. Executive Pay Analyzing the ethical challenges as well as any agency issues in the Level of Executive Pay Case Study brings forth hidden issues in the New York Stock Exchange. To better analyze these issues one first has to ask oneself the following question, what is the true definition of ethics. Wheelwright defined ethics as â€Å"that branch of philosophy which is the systematic study of reflective choice, of the standards of right and wrong by which it is to be guided, and of the goods toward which it may ultimately be directed. † Did Mr.  Richard (Dick) Grasso violate any ethical standards set forth by the organization he was representing; did he really violate the systematic study of reflective choice, of the standards of right and wrong? In order to get a straight answer to this question it will dependent in which side of the fence one might find oneself in; if you are on the side of the lucky ones that happens to earn this outrageous sums of money then the answer would be no. But if you find oneself in the other side of the fence with the individuals who earn an average salary that would never get the opportunity to reach the levels of aristocracy that Mr.  Grasso reached then the answer would be yes. The ethical roles on all companies play a big role on the decision making of each enterprise. Before and after Mr. Grasso was hired it was customary to compensate top officials with these large sums of money. Top officials in the NYSE never had to disclose their earning to the public or to the SEC before so it’s hard to say any ethical standards were bent or even broken. This type of compensation to top NYSE officials was customary and there were no real intentions to misguide or mislead the public or the SEC. Just because not everyone in the NYSE had access to potentially earn this outrageous sums of money will indicate to the public that these individuals were directly involved in unethical behavior. All companies in today’s business society have a code of conduct implemented but this does not means that it is being followed. What companies are doing is creating rewards methods in order to retain the services of these top business gurus that would help their business to maximize their profits and Mr. Grasso track record spoke for itself. These incentive programs can help businesses to minimize any unethical attempts to their code of conduct. The general public and the SEC are outrage because of the outlandish compensation top NYSE officials receives but at no point during the case study it mentions that these top officials have a salary cap. One believes that since there were no salary cap on how much NYSE officials might earn there are no ethical implications that could discourage NYSE official from making these large sums of money. What one does believe is that if there are established codes of conduct and employees or management violates them, there should be strict actions taken to prevent the problem from worsening. One believes that all employees including management needs to uphold the highest level of ethical conduct if a company wants to be successful. 1933, 1934, and SOX The financial information users usually rely on opinion of independent auditors to make important economic decisions. To protect users’ interest from fraudulent financial statement, security acts of 1933, 1934, and SOX joined in to ensure adequate information disclosure. The acts provide regulation that goes beyond and requires more extensive disclosure than GAAP to govern corporate financial activities. For example, companies must fill audited annual and unaudited interim financial statements in conformity with regulation S-k. In addition, the regulation S-K governs the footnote disclosure in the financial statements. Congress enacted the acts after the stock market crash in 1929 to regulate the trading of securities to the public. For this reasons, security trading companies must register with SEC prior to issuance of security to ensure that information presented to investor for making accounting decisions is correct. In the aftermath of the famous corporate accounting scandal (Enron) that rock the world market, congress enacted the Sarbanes- Oxley Act (sox) to strengthen corporate accountability and governance of public companies. The provision increases the CEO and auditors responsibilities. CEO and other top executive must certify that company financial statement and other disclosures are fairly presented in accordance with GAAP. In other words, CEO is responsible to ensure that material misstatement does not exist in the financial statement presented to the users. SOX also authorize the Public Company accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) to oversee the activities of the registered accounting firm. This changes the way auditors plan, implement and report the audit. The provision increases penalties that could affect an accountant who is involve in the destruction, alternation, or falsification of records in federal investigations. Any violation of such may be subject to fines and imprisonment of up to 20 years, additional training, new quality control procedure, revocation of firm’s registration, and barring from participating in audit of public companies.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Knife Crime Essay Essay

Hi. Today i am going to be talking to you about knife crime and how it affects our society. Lately in the news Jay Whiston a 17 year old boy was fatally stabbed innocently outside a house party. Such a waste of a life for a young boy that had his whole future ahead of him. Knife crime has increased over the past couple of years due to the amount of gang violence going on. While the large majority of young people follow the law a small number of people do find themselves getting involved in knife crime. The few reasons that teenagers may get involved with knife crime are because of family problems, at school where they are influenced by someone who is involved in gangs. Some teenagers just want to fit in, so they join gangs and hang around with trouble makers, and some teenagers think that by killing someone and having a knife gives them power. However carrying a knife is illegal in the UK and the courts will take firm action if you are found with one. Some people may say they carry a knife around for different reasons such as: Protection * Self defence * Fear * Peer pressure * To gain respect , power or control As you may know not all people who carry weapons intend to use them. But if you are carrying a weapon and get into an argument, the situation is more likely to get out of hand and you are more likely to be provoked/stupid enough to use it. You could seriously injure someone or someone could use your weapon to seriously injure you. Police have the power to stop you and search you if they believe that you are carrying a weapon. So this is your choice whether you plan to use it or not, you could end up in a lot of trouble and the consequences would be serious. Knife crime can affect anyone, not just people in gangs. This could affect: * Innocent people that get caught in the middle of other people’s rows/arguments and could suffer with serious injuries or worse. * Police officers that could be trying to sort a situation out. * The community because they wouldn’t want to leave their houses knowing that there is knife crime going on and they could get stabbed. * Children that are growing up, as they may be  influenced by older people and may think it is cool. Remember that an injury may look small, but any inside damage can kill. The law is it is illegal for a shop to sell any kind of knife to anyone who is under 18. You will be committing an offence if you buy any of these items. Did you know that owning a knife even if it is yours or not is illegal and can end in a prison sentence? Some knives are illegal even for adults to buy. They are completely banned: * Flick knives(where the blade is hidden inside the handle and shoots out when a button is pressed) * Butterfly knives (where the blade is hidden inside a handle that splits in two around it, like wings; the handles swing around the blade to open or close it) * Disguised knives (where the blade is hidden inside a belt buckle or fake mobile phone) * gravity knives * sword-sticks * hand or foot-claws * push daggers Carrying a weapon in school does not mean that the school is only involved; the police will also be involved. These are some of the consequences for anyone who is found carrying a knife: †¢It is illegal to carry a knife or a gun, even a fake one. †¢If you are caught with a knife or a gun whether you say it was for your own protection or you were carrying it for someone else, you will be arrested there and then. †¢Control of a knife can carry a prison sentence of up to 4 years even if it’s not used. †¢If you stab somebody and they die, you will face a life sentence and you will be in prison for minimum prison sentence of 25 years. Remember that the law is clear. If you choose to carry a weapon, you are putting your future in danger. If you don’t take it with you, it won’t be used.

Methods used by Transportation Safety Administration Term Paper

Methods used by Transportation Safety Administration - Term Paper Example The body ensures that the nation’s transport systems are secure through use of sophisticated technologies like bottled liquid scanner, Biometrics, Credential Authentication Technology, explosive trace detection explosive detection system and threat image projection. Secure Flight Plan is another security measure by TSA where airline passengers’ information is compared to that in the governments watch list. In order to prove the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of these programs, TSA carried out a basic training program, which revealed that a good number of these technologies are efficient, though a few are ineffectual. Explosive Detection System is one of the programs introduced by TSA to ensure security in air travel. EDS is used to screen bags in order to detect any explosive. Using the Explosive Detective machine the system can capture the image of a bag that contains an item that is a potential threat. If more screening is needed for such a bag, it is directed to the resolution room where the bag is thoroughly inspected by the security officers before it is redirected to the system (TSA, 2014). If cleared, the bag is directed to the aircraft. However, if the officers are not able to detect the alarm they can call upon the bomb squad. When this screening is used together with baggage system that is automated, there is improved security and increased efficiency. Explosive Detective System is effective for identifying threat items, which should be subjected to further screening without the screener interpreting the message. Although, the screeners who are able to interpret EDS should be cautious not to trigger the explosion when the luggage is taken for further screening Explosive Trace Detection is the second program in TSA’s list of technologies for combating insecurity. This technology is used to screen passengers and their baggage to detect if there are any traces of explosives. In this

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Current Evidence of Human Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Current Evidence of Human Evolution - Essay Example This study, according to Keim (2011) supported the idea that increasingly younger birth ages are hugely influenced by changes in the genetic makeup caused by natural selection. This means that the ability of a woman to give birth at a younger age is dependent on the inherited genetic traits, according to Keim (2011). This evidence provides a clue as to how Homo sapiens evolved into a species. Another research conducted in Northern Europe and Africa has shown evidence of human evolution. According to this study, it was discovered that people living in these regions have developed the ability to tolerate lactose in their diets. This form of evolution, according to scientists was due to cultural reliance on milk as a product of agriculture (Harrel 2009). Ways in which current understanding of human evolution effect how we may evolve in the future? From the current evidence of modern evolution, it becomes apparent that humans may continue to evolve in the future. This is attributed to th e selective pressures that humans are likely to encounter in the future thereby resulting in continued evolution. For instance, we might make an educated speculation that future human beings might end up lacking the wisdom teeth (Wade 2010). Research indicates that a majority consider their wisdom teeth as things that should be removed surgically before they begin to erupt. The main reasons being that modern humans have small jaws that do not require wisdom teeth. The main belief is that, wisdom teeth are vestigial molars, which evolved in ancestral humans at a time when jaws were bigger, and most diets were hard that required strong jaws. It is no wonder wisdom teeth continue to disappear. For instance, research indicates that about 35% of people are nowadays born without wisdom... Another research conducted in Northern Europe and Africa has shown evidence of human evolution. According to this study, it was discovered that people living in these regions have developed the ability to tolerate lactose in their diets. This form of evolution, according to scientists was due to cultural reliance on milk as a product of agriculture (Harrel 2009).Ways in which current understanding of human evolution effect how we may evolve in the future?From the current evidence of modern evolution, it becomes apparent that humans may continue to evolve in the future. This is attributed to the selective pressures that humans are likely to encounter in the future thereby resulting in continued evolution. For instance, we might make an educated speculation that future human beings might end up lacking the wisdom teeth (Wade 2010).Research indicates that a majority consider their wisdom teeth as things that should be removed surgically before they begin to erupt. The main reasons being that modern humans have small jaws that do not require wisdom teeth. The main belief is that wisdom teeth are vestigial molars, which evolved in ancestral humans at a time when jaws were bigger, and most diets were hard that required strong jaws. It is no wonder wisdom teeth continue to disappear. For instance, research indicates that about 35% of people are nowadays born without wisdom teeth. In addition, evidence also shows that many children are nowadays born with just one, two, or three wisdom teeth.